Quick-Witted Eva has us in STITCHES | Semi-Finals | BGT 2022

Teenage jokester Eva Abley shows off her incredible comedic timing by poking fun at herself… and the BGT Judges.

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40 thoughts on “Quick-Witted Eva has us in STITCHES | Semi-Finals | BGT 2022”

  1. Incredible and great material. Hope she wins it. What a talented and sweet young girl! Sick of people saying she is only getting through because of her disability, there’s been other disabled acts haven’t got through.

  2. She oozes with confidence and charisma. I laughed at every joke she gave. Awesome performance. We're going to see a lot of Eva in the future, whether she wins or not, she's going to do great things in her life.

  3. There is no disability that can stop individuals with disabilities in the UK or the USA. Asking me to walk in a straight line might be possible depending on with set of legs I happen to have on! What you do not have spare legs, why not? I have several used sets in my closet would you like a left leg or right leg? Perhaps two left legs. Spare legs make great lamps!! Thus says the bilateral below the knee amputee who is about to go run a 5K!!! Go Eva go!!

  4. That E bike joke was one of the funniest jokes I think I've ever heard. I almost fell out of my chair I laughed so hard! Well done EVA!!! and then she zinged again with the stabilizers… oh man!!! Brilliant comedy!

  5. By far the worst act this year, didn’t smile once and hate how she beat people with talent. It’s very insulting and doesn’t deserve to be in the semifinals let alone the finals.

  6. She was awful none of the jokes were funny as someone that suffers with lots of disabilities myself this is an insult! She would have been better if she did different content I was offended by some of it! Specially the hospital part!!!!! 😡

  7. Yes, I can see she has some kind of disability. But I still can't understand a single word she's saying. All my sympathy. But but I still can't understand anything she said

  8. I never go to see live comedy shows but I would go to see her in a heartbeat! What a treasure. (And as a father myself I can really relate to the swell of pride shining on her father's face.)

    At this age the British are lucky to find such a talented sweet young lady. The character and charming she posses by itself is unique given by God.
    We will enjoy her talent for a long period of time.
    You Go Girl!


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