Question Time audience member who Fiona Bruce described as ‘the black guy’ breaks his silence

🗞 Question Time audience member who Fiona Bruce described as ‘the black guy’ breaks his silence 🗞

Josh Howie, Cressida Wetton and Bruce Devlin discuss an article in tomorrow’s Daily Mail.

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47 thoughts on “Question Time audience member who Fiona Bruce described as ‘the black guy’ breaks his silence”

  1. I'm sick of this bollocks,the guy was black what's the problem,she just seen the obvious thing, this dickhead journalist says oh he's obviously black??,never back done for being/saying the obvious thing and it's racist just these idoits,

  2. What about the man with blue hair, i think it was a man anyway. Fiona is probably the best presenter working for the bbc. Have a day off paranoids.

  3. I'm glad we are discussing this important issue with everything happening in the world . Pointing out someone's race is awkward and probably bad etiquette. But if you've ever heard a group of men talking in public (as on public transit, with a captive audience) and heard these men repeatedly call each other the "n" word in a vulgar and insulting way, it kind of puts this in perspective . Unlike such men, Fiona obviously cares about people's feelings. She apologized like the class act she is

  4. For Christ sake people. There’s nothing racist about it! This is all to do with the woke mob having a go at every pathetic detail and making issues with everything. Move on and get a life

  5. I wear an ankle brace or leg iron because of a club foot deformity & specially made orthotic shoes.
    Sometimes people ask me politely about my condition & older fella's regularly say in a chirpy manner "Not got a game this Saturday then mate…!"
    They are not being rude or offensive, they are just people being people.
    Very rare I have been the victim of abuse & I rub along quite merrily.
    Oh, but then again….I'm not looking for sympathy, special treatment or to play the victim. 😯

  6. By beginning to engage in conversation, he acknowledged and confirmed that he identifies as a 'black guy'. Are the Police wrong to use Nasch factors to check a person's identity – that is their Name, Age (dob) Sex, Colour and Height ?

  7. What a fuss over nothing! I hear black people say White guy when talking about people. Lets be honest, When a true Brit meets a black person, and a black person meets a white person, the colour of skin is the FIRST thing people notice about each other! It's NOT RACIST to be TRUTHFUL!

  8. Adjoa Andoh can use racist remarks to talk about the Royal family and not feel the need to apologize, worse she couldn’t understand that people would be offended. It’s always the same old story , people of colour can say what they want but white people have to watch every word they say. It’s pathetic !

  9. I don't have a problem personally with what she said.
    What I do have a problem with is the hypocrisy of the leftie twats, who would have demanded the immediate cancellation of anyone deemed on the right politically,
    saying the same thing.
    As similar recent example of not what was said but who said it hypocrisy, is the remarks made by Lawrence Fox and the same thing being said by Carol Vorderman. One has lost his livelihood the other!!!! Not even a mention in the MSM.

  10. For heaven´s sake. So Fiona called a black guy to talk. If folk like you just ignored the whole thing this racists skin thing would eventually disappear. Presenters like you perpetuate the racial tension where none existed in the first place.

  11. Was the guy himself offended? Is there something wrong with being black that makes it taboo to mention it? Are black people so ashamed of their skin colour that it is never to be mentioned by other races? This is the same level of stupidity as not mentioning the race or colour of criminals in news reports. There are real world problems out there and a bunch of idiot get worked up about this and try to stir the race pot. Absolutely no apology was necessary.

  12. Wouldn’t it have been more offensive to have the host of the show fumbling around for a term to describe the black guy rather than using his obvious outstanding characteristic? What would the reaction have been if FB had referred to him as the gentlemen between the two white people?

  13. My question as a black person is: Who complained? And: What was their justification?

    In my view, Fiona Brice is owed an apology for having to apologise. We really have to stop this foolishness!


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