DELTARUNE 2022 Status Update Reaction & Analysis!!!

It’s what it says on the tin! Jaru rambles about the DELTARUNE update and gives his blind reaction and analyses of what’s been shown! Enjoy! 😀


48 thoughts on “DELTARUNE 2022 Status Update Reaction & Analysis!!!”

  1. Maybe the green room is still related to the tv world and it is like a sort of backstage? Other people have already mentioned that green rooms are were the actors go to get ready so maybe those wires and mouses have something to do with special effects that might happen in that world? It doesn't seem to be more of the castle town since it is in a separate section of the update, so I lean towards it being a new dark world

  2. I think the image is almost 100% the dark world part of Kris's room
    Star imagery throughout like in the room
    The computer stuff
    The two couches have different colors, the left one looking like Asriel's color scheme like how his bed is on the left

  3. You’re so right about realising how much you love something after seeing it again for a long time, I felt a flood of pure love when reading through the report, listening to the new music and admiring the new gameplay previews. God, Deltarune’s awesome.

    Great video btw!

  4. Wait, wait wait. In chapter 1 we enter the dark world in the morning, and come out of it when the sun is setting. But in chapter 2 we enter the dark world after school ends, but come out of it around the same time as we did in chapter 1. Meaning we were in the dark world for longer in chapter 1 than we were in chapter 2.

  5. Is it not weird that most images come from chapter 4? maybe chapter 3 & 5 have a lot of things that toby does not want to spoil because of the story! maybe chapter 4 is a break from crazy story that needs to soak in! Or maybe chapter 4 is more complete at this time!

  6. I noticed that the left sofa of the green room is, well, green and the mouse if in the left side of the bar (it means that the left side of the room is like asriel s side in his room with kris ) and the right side of the green room has a blue sofa a little endomaged and knives in the right side of the bar (LIKE KRIS S SIDE IN HIS ROOM IN THE LIGHT WORLD !!!)

  7. * I'm inclined to believe the outline character is that way because of one of two things:
    * 1. He's wearing the Castle Town hat, and Ralsei was in shadows when he wore it, so maybe the same is occurring here
    * 2. He's crucial in Chapter 3/4 and has been censored as an outline to prevent spoilers

  8. * I strongly believe the Green Room is Kris' room. Note how it's sort of split down the middle, with Asriel's side on the left with the pristine couch that's green with yellow stripes, the silver vending machine, the rows of expensive wine bottles on the shelf, and then Kris' side on the right with the fading, torn, blue couch, nothing on display except a few knives stuffed into a box, and then the accessible door at the back that Asriel's side lacks. Also note that the light is shining on Asriel's side and not Kris', showing how he's the favoured child.

    * This can also very strongly support the theory that Asriel is dead. Notice no door on his side, but instead a vending machine where it should be. Asriel's no longer alive and cannot be accessed, except for a vending machine dispensing stuff about him, much like how Kris is just telling everyone what's supposedly going on with Asriel. Also note that Kris has freely accessible knives on their side, whereas Asriel has sealed bottles, an unplugged mouse, and a vending machine where the entire premise is that what's inside is unaccessible unless you pay. The door only being on Kris' side also supports this as green rooms are a backstage room with direct access to the stage. With Asriel dead, Kris is literally putting on a show, not only trying to be more noticed but also acting like Asriel is alive and is in contact with Kris still.

  9. i know you couldn’t access the police station in chapter 1, but the only reason i think it would be closed in chapter 4 is because undyne and napstablook might possibly be involved in chapter 3 somehow cause the police got called to kris’s house not long before they opened the portal

  10. Ok, so, really funny video, I had alredy seen the news, but I saw them again only to hear your thoughts on the topic, and you surprised me with your amount of enthusiasm on the Susie and Queen interactions, your crazy theories over the scenes, and your analysis on the music and it's leotmotifs, and though I find difficult the "It's raining somewhere else" one, the Gaster's theme hits hard when you realise about it, it really sounds like Gaster's theme.
    I cannot stress enough on how underrated you are, you're one of the best theorists out there, and you deserve that more people watch your content

  11. So we have a gif that shows rains. This reminds me of "it's raining somewhere else" a song linked to Sans. It's been a year since the release of chapter 2 where Sans said that we might see his brother in another 2 years. Hopefully it means they might release the next chapters next year. It took them a year to make one chapter worth of content but Toby has said multiple times that things are going to go more smoothly.

  12. maybe someone already said it, but the red bow peeking out from behind the textbox could belong to that black slime npc from MTT resort. The one that says "As a slime, I am outraged.". Except instead of a bowtie, they have a bow on their head.

  13. Hello Jaru! Are you planning on making a reaction/video about all the arg that's going on right now on the deltarune page? It is very interesting and has a lot of lore implications!

  14. I was really surprised that you didn't mention gaster followers with the shadow guy. His stance immediately made me think of the guy that bought a donut/holding his face and his whole look reminds me of the gaster followers.

  15. Haven't looked at both smiles yet but at the end of Chapter 2 we see a full smile on the tv. The character that's blacked out in the band is turned to the side and going up his face is a crooked smile. If I seen him via front view i wonder if he's the smile from the tv

  16. @JaruJaru Don't know if someone already said this but "Green Room" has "Hip Shop" Motif in it, just did a self-check by playing the begging sided by side and its a near perfect match

  17. I notice Hometown Day has Don't Forget, the main Undertale motif, a bit of Gaster, and (although it's likely meaningless) the bouncy drum sound from The World Revolving at a slower tempo.

  18. Ok music “expert” here
    7:00 I doubt that chord is meant to sound “off”, it is just a jazzy chord to smoothly transition into the next part
    I think it is really ironic that you forgot that the motif in that song is called “Don’t forget”
    And the part that sounds like gaster’s theme is almost definitely not meant to be it, if it is meant to be a motif then it’s the third part of “once upon a time”
    The baseline of My Funky Town is actually almost exactly the same as cyber battle, which makes sense since sweet and K_K are preforming (where is Capn and who is playing the bass tho??)
    Green room is just a remix of Hip Shop, which people are forgetting is also Swatch’s shop theme along with Rouxxls


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