Question the Narrative | The World Beneath and Its Inhabitants

I know I’ve been scarce here, so I’m trying to get back on track. This video was inspired by the book, The Tethered World. We often hear tales of the underground. It’s common to blow them off as mere legends and tall tales, but what if the stories are true?

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The Tethered World –
The Smoky God –


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23 thoughts on “Question the Narrative | The World Beneath and Its Inhabitants”

  1. Not sure if you've ever heard of the Dero? There is a famous story from the Shaver Mysteries back in the 50s where a man claimed to have been kidnapped by these beings and taken underground where they had technology that sounded far fetched at the time but isn't really so today.

    They sent out signals up to the surface and could target certain inviduals making them hear things, affect their behavior, make them ill. Sounded bizarre back then but with wireless technology today it's not so bizarre

    There was also a Youtuber called Brenton Sawin, a good Christian man who had an experience with one that came into his bedroon pointed some sort of device at his head. He later found out about the Shaver Mysteries and the Dero and how they were described & it was the same being that he seen. Which looked like a ugly, old, bald man but with a long floppy nose almost elephant like.

    He heard a roar that seemed to frighten the being and it left. It was likely intervention from an angel sent by the Lord to protect him from these fallen agel Dero beings.

    There has been other encounters, they seem to be mainly around the Mount Shasta area where 2 creatures in black cloaks seened to comd up ftom an opening hidden amougst the natural features, approached 2 hikers, pointed some sort of device at one of them killed him and attempted to kidnapp the other i believe.

    It seems to be an area where many people disappear. Missing 411 style, could they be victims of kidnapp by the Dero.

  2. Inside that cave with those hands looking structures, and all the drippy stuff in the cave, actually reminded me of a digestive system. Think about it. Maybe that was a stomach and those were the contents. Weird to imagine.

  3. it is said that there is truth in movies, that is played off as some form of fiction. from the first movie i saw with my dad about people going to the center of the earth, i have had this feeling many of those movies are true but played off as fiction. why so many movies about another world beneath our feet, as well as maps that show another world beneath our feet, if it were not true? what about those who were "silenced" for telling about falling in caverns to awaken to a world beneath us, one guy broke his leg during his fall, once his leg was healed, they told him he could not stay, then when he went to sleep, he woke up back here on the surface, as those beings carried him back up here and left him lay in an alley while he was asleep. he described the shortest one as being 7 or 8 feet tall if i remember correct. (it has been several years since i saw that story online).

    there are creatures in our skies that are not supposed to exist, and i am told i am crazy because i saw a pterosaur less than a mile from home, it did not quite look like the pictures we find in books, as it had the physical features of 2 very different pterosaurs and a feature on it's head of one flightless "dinosaur".

    i have seen an actual dragon that could fly, but again, i am told i am crazy. it was smaller than an oak leaf, and spun around counter-clockwise to take flight. it had red/orange/yellow feathers on all 4 legs and a row of those feathers on its back, the tiny dragon had red skin, i almost stepped on it in my drive way.

    i remember seeing video, 2 guys were in a cave, and the head of a dragon comes out into the light and looks at the guy. the dragon looked red and white, those 2 left the cave faster than they went in when they noticed what came to look at them. yet we are told those creatures no longer or never did exist.

  4. And those who were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music.

    To find yourself, seek in the world.
    To find the world, seek in yourself.
    You contain the answers you so seek.

  5. Great vid! Just fyi I saw a detailed video I can not reference at the moment, that showed there was recently found a very large cemetery holding hundreds of little people which led to the discovery of a tiny town, It seems they were a race of little people like hobbits living there.18 -36" 'tall I think its in Tennessee. just discovered this past year or so.

  6. İ just thought of something…these creatures will probably come out more during the tribulation when the sun is darkened. And billy boy gaits is trying to darken the sun….are these connected dots?? İ am not sure. İnteresting to ponder

  7. When Admiral Byrd was in Antartica just after WW2 he was brought to an underground crystal city…their leader referred to Byrd and other humans as 'earth dwellers'.

  8. The people under the earth are those in Gehenna who can kneel and obey God at the final judgement and be accepted and saved.

    Descended into the earth is the same, its in the nicene creed. If you have read the bible, it’s because Nicaea compiled it. It’s Christ’s descent into “hell” (hades) to open the closed gates of salvation for those who died in the Lord before the coming of the Messiah.

    So far it’s been the same for the rest of them. I mean, you could say it’s a hollow earth because of where the physical location is, but this stuff isn’t about where people live. Maybe there are people living in the earth far above the bowels. We know there are massive aquifers, tunnel systems, ruins, etc., beneath the earth and can’t get past 12km. That first 12km could house all sorts of stuff, but it has nothing to do with the pit and depths the bible speaks of. Those are specifically hades/Gehenna.

    That being said, I don’t believe any of this stuff under the ground was originally under the ground. It was all built and lived in above ground. It’s buried now. It wasn’t then.

  9. Jesus is also the name of a reptilian that is royal also a shape-shifter I Jesus shall return and bow to the Antichrist💯💯💯💯💯🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 it's about to get interesting in the last days or the revealing of the Anunnaki the fallen I do believe the titans was the protectors of planet ki but was defeated 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  10. The blonde hair one's that's helped the shiny ones they might be experiments all races are made in the Annunaki image so what ever form they chose 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  11. The kingdom of God is near…

    John 3:16-17

    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

  12. Hi Shelley, could you do a video why “wildfires” are programmed to avoid the frequency of color blue (that frequency is 6.66). Similar to painting doors in bliblical times… in order to be spared.


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