Q&A from the New Studio

Pet Photography Q& A at the new studio. Let’s test the internet connection and livestreaming from the laptop. Bring your pet photography questions.


3 thoughts on “Q&A from the New Studio”

  1. That was absolutely fantastic Monique. I had trouble with buffering during the stream but stayed until the end. So, I just want to say here, thank you so, so much. Have a wonderful weekend. ❤️🐾🐾❤️

  2. Darn it! Once again I missed the live. Hope to catch one, some day soon. Interesting that you are doing a dog book on Pit Bulls. Like Patti said, we have so many Pit Bulls in our area too. In fact, every shelter and rescue is full of Pit Bulls and Pit mixes. If you ever do a book on Rottweilers, I may have to make the trip to Colorado. lol


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