Handlock is Surprisingly Good in the NEW Twist Format

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Deck Code:

00:00 Intro
01:24 Game 1
11:33 Game 2
19:07 Game 3

#ShowdownInTheBadlands #Hearthstone #ChumpHS


32 thoughts on “Handlock is Surprisingly Good in the NEW Twist Format”

  1. Pleading to my fellow Chump fans: please, help me find a particular video where he started the intro with "This deck is almost as sick as I am". It was somewhere between 1 and 2 years ago. Can't remember any details, except that his voice sounded drained (since he was actually sick, that's the joke).

  2. This is my favorite format. Don't need a big collection, don't need expensive cards, there's no overtuned and overvalued garbage.
    It argues the case for a Hearthstone Classic or some kind of reset.

  3. This format legit makes me nostalgic for the days when Turn 4 Hero Power Pass was an acceptable line of play sometimes. The power curve of the whole game has gone into the stratosphere.

  4. "Without big flashy legendaries, this isn't a super-content worth format" I would disagree personally. This is also great, it's just different. More of a back and forth slug-fest than the heavy dependance on who draws the right legendary at the right time. I love all the Chump content!


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