Putin's Annexation Has Just DESROYED The Liberal World Order!!!

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All clips are for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).


39 thoughts on “Putin's Annexation Has Just DESROYED The Liberal World Order!!!”

  1. Dr. Turley, I'm a big fan, however, you mistakenly, perhaps blatentintly, neglect to add that the reason why there's a large Russian population inside Ukraine. This Russian population inside Ukraine is directly resultant of Stalin's Holodomor where 4 million plus Ukrainians were slaughtered and their lands and assets seized and pro-Soviet Russians transplanted in their stead. You're spinning the Russian narrative by pushing the draconian measure by Kieve,…really?,…Russia has zero claim to any territory inside Ukraine,…zero!

  2. Not sure any of this is actually whats happening at all remember Putin is wef just the same as all over western leaders this is part of their plan for the great reset nothing disyablises nations more than war

  3. Not that I really care about Putinโ€™s โ€œreturn Jesusโ€ or which crook runs Kiev, Russia has been putting their full military muscle into this fight from the get-go. And they have the resources to beat this 5th rate army over time. They have proven that they are too weak to threaten NATO with conventional/traditional Russian human waves and NATO knows that means nukes on their front lawn so Ukraine is theirs. Poland and Romania can breath easier and Xi has the chance make Putin his b-tch and he did that in this meeting you love.

  4. Russia and Ukraine are absolutely beautifulโ€ฆ been thereโ€ฆ. Sad to see treason in Ukraineโ€™s government. I thought they reduced corruption a long time ago.

  5. Russia simply doesn't want the debauchery of the west to invade their country or the minds and emotions of their people. They want nothing to do with lbtq+-รทร—= bullshit. I can't blame them. Look what it's done to us.

  6. This referendum must be why Russia is calling up 300K reserve forces, readying the country for the next stage, and there is not a damn thing the west can do about it, because Russia controls a lot of energy reserves and food production. This is especially relevant because those commodities mean Russia has more power than the west.

  7. This can only be related to the weakened state of the west. Removing common sense, closing down resources , farming out manufacturing, environmental controls, political chaos, equalization of the new genders. Sodom and Gomorrah has arrived; waiting for the burn.

  8. If we are convinced that a multipolar world where trade and the tolerance of all forms of governance is the very best future this world can have… then we MUST support this next move which will help bring the end of the previous malign era of western domination with its emphasis on threat and violence.

  9. You have not done your homework Dr. Truly. The Ukrainian measures are in direct response to Russian measures taken under the USSR, were they attempted to erase Ukrainian history and culture and language. Under USSR rule Russians were moved into the territory of Ukraine, the Ukrainian language was not taught in schools, and Ukrainian culture and history were suppressed. This was nothing less than an attempt at genocide without actually overtly killing people.

  10. My guess,…Russia will lose this one. U.S. intelligence estimates that Russia has 70 to 80 thousand casualties, dead or unable to fight so, when you see Puting conscripting new forces (That Compulsory Enlistment),…and when age restriction for those conscripted forces are being lifted,…when 60 year old men are being conscripted,…when they're conscripting civilian prisoners,…when new Russian troops are spending just one week in a rifle course before being shipped to the front,…when the manpower Russia has lost "54,000" (by Ukrainian Estiaments) in just 6 months of fighting compared with manpower that the U.S. lost "58,000" in "10 years of war" in Vietnam,…and then adding in the hardware losses by Russia (Destroyed or Captured),…when Russia's best tank Army is Beaten on the Field,…One realizes the consequences to Russia are staggering,….STAGGERING!,…Russia has no reserves!

  11. So glad I left this community, it's disgusting that anyone can side with Russia on this. I wanted to see what the Dr was doing nowadays after I stopped watching him for being a hack, and hey at least he remained consistent. Glad I became a libertarian.

  12. It's turning the World upside down Steve because everyone knows it's all bollocks. This was predicted the moment they invaded and is no shock to anyone who knows how the Russian Mafia operate. These regions shall all hold a referendum and all four shall vote to join Russia as that is what Russia had planned from day one. It's also just so happened to coincide with a massive Ukrainian counterattack where Russia have been ass raped! We all know this shall be the outcome even though in Kherson they're openly revolting against the Russians. It would be like Britain claiming Normandy was actually British, invading France and then holding a vote for Normandy to join Britian. At which point the vote passes and everyone is asked to buy it as a legitimate claim.

    If any of this is a shock to you then please give me the sleeping pills you have been using. None of what is currently happening is legitimate under International Law.

  13. As much as I think bout this the future is AI,quantum,etc. So to say that a rising block will take over I am little skeptical bout that. These countries like BRICS,SCO and others would have to make a choice western civilization or ancient civilization.where does it count.

  14. We can legitimately be very happy for those people. They have suffered SO much and lost so much over such a long time. In fact they ALREADY voted in 2014 to become part of Russia, but back then Russia did not accept that. Now the time has come. Ukraine had its chance, a HUGE chance, and it completely BLEW IT. There is so much that Ukraine COULD have been, but they chose the most blind and primitive path of incremental self-destruction. Real shame.


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