Putin sacks Russian Navy Chief after series of losses in the Black Sea

ANU Strategic and Defence Studies Centre’s Matthew Sussex says Admiral Nikolai Evmenov’s sacking over a series of losses in the Black Sea had been coming for quite a while.

Vladimir Putin reportedly, over the weekend, sacked his Navy chief Admiral Nikolai Evmenov and replaced him with the commander of the Northern Fleet following setbacks.

Mr Evmenov had led the Navy since 2019.

“Well, I think that this is possibly been coming for quite a while,” Mr Sussex told Sky News Australia.

“He was the one that was held responsible for the incredible Ukraine successes against the Russian Black Sea fleet.

“So I suspect Evmenov was the scapegoat.”


15 thoughts on “Putin sacks Russian Navy Chief after series of losses in the Black Sea”

  1. When the AFRF replaces a commander, it often means a new strategic approach to a region. Ukraine should not find comfort in this development. Many precedents aid this point.

  2. LoL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 propaganda headlines typical I get my Russia news from Russian TV the independent real news service's they say your lying skynews

  3. Funny this makes the news but the fact ukraine lost another city in past 2 days does not 3 cities taken by russia 2 boats lost by Russia in same time. The scales are not against Russia as the media pretend by not reporting the facts


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