Putin claims 1 to 10 kill ratio between Russians and Ukrainians. Ukraine claims 6.5 to 1. Really?


38 thoughts on “Putin claims 1 to 10 kill ratio between Russians and Ukrainians. Ukraine claims 6.5 to 1. Really?”

  1. On the Military Summary Channel, I believe it was reported from Ukraine Sources that the Ukrainians had about 397,000 KIAs. That number is shocking if true. From another source it was said that in combat involving the heavy use of artillery (& possibly rockets), over 85% of deaths or casualties are caused by these heavy weapons. Multiple Reports claim that the Russians are firing 10 times the number of artillery shells & rockets as the Ukrainians.(ie. 60,000 to 6000 per day). Can’t imagine how terrifying it must be to fight from a fixed trench position under a heavy barrage of artillery & rockets or to see the aftermath of a thermo barric attack on your comrades.

  2. mviking39
    1 second ago
    It looks like the war is over as Russia has lost the initiative. If they could not get it done at the beginning with all the best equipment……. I feel sorry for Russian conscripts.

  3. Kill ratio also very much depends on method of the fight. Arty easily has a 1 to 10 ratio – battery kills a lot more than counter-battery. With Russia having 10 times the fire of Ukraine, even well prepared defenses are going to have a lot of KIA. Likewise drones – virtually no one flying the drone ever gets killed, while obviously that not the case on the receiving end.

  4. 58,220 U.S. Soldiers perish in Vietnam from 1954 to 1975 – 80.000 in Ukraine in seven months? This is ludicrous …
    And mathematically impossible ……….
    And if true this is a monumental disaster for Russia ….

  5. Let's say the total losses combined are 100k (just a random number that could be realistic), the question then is…

    Where are all the bodies? Or is this all a sh@t show? 🤣😆🤪🙃

  6. Those US and NATO leaders has a short thinking mind. Well they kill Qadaffi, Saddam Hussein and many more. Well…. They them self are mortal too. Sooner or later they will die too so what's the point. Might as well live in peace and be good to everyone

  7. Putin tells joke
    German boy to Dad "Why are we so cold?"
    Dad "Because we put sanctions on Russia"
    Boy "Why did we do that ?"
    Dad "To punish them for invading ukraine"
    Boy " Are we Russian ? "

  8. You assume foreign intelligence services KNOW what is going on in other countries. This is a VERY foolish assumption. They can be beyond clueless. So, they may not by lying, they could just be ignorant of what is really happening. Didn't US and British Intelligence say there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Still waiting for them to find them. Wrong or just lying?

  9. According to OSINT (Open Source Intelligence, a US-based intelligence gathering organization), Ukraine has lost around 400,000 men and Russia has lost about 60,000. So the Ukrainians' claim of a 6.5-to-1 kill ratio is correct – only they got it the wrong way round.

  10. The tactics employed by the opposing sides, Ukraine's one of advance regardless of cost, plus stand and fight, and Russia's one of drag and destroy plus preservation of forces lends weight to Russia's claim. Certainly a 1:8 ratio is possible.

  11. official russian document leaked 28.8. was 49.000 dead. with 8300/month for those 6 month. then came the counteroffensive 2 month more but with x2 daily dead thats 32.600 more. So real number is over 85.000 dead russian soldiers. Oh and the document stated that number is without counting DPR + LPR + wagner + kadyrovs. because its the written amount of payout to the families of dead russian soldiers.

    Now we add the documentet 20.000 prisoners that have been sent.

    wounded usually x3.

    theres a reason

    russia 1st yearly conscription 125.000 in april

    putin raised military with 140.000 in august.

    mobilization, where specialist say is 500.000 in sep.

    2nd yearly russian consription nov 1. another 125.000

    newly mobilized russians have been captured and dying on the front for 4 weeks now.

    Kharkiv offensive went so well for ukraine because the ratio was 9.1 russians for every 1 ukrainian. ukraine could just keep going.

    3 weeks ago the kherson offensive was documentet to be a ratio of 6.5 vs 1, in favor of ukraine. russia cant do anything vs himars.

    bakhmut, 8000 wagners died there so far, storming the front.

  12. Emil, russia never fought a military before. How hard is it to understand russians are not trained. they just get a weapon and go shoot at the front. Experts do the calculation based on evidence, numbers. its called statistics.

  13. Someone forward this to Emil.
    They know how many people is in a tank, how many is in a APC and etc… so when they blow them up, they know how many died there. 2, they are watching with drones and 3 they can count how many rats is on the ground when they go forward after they defeat those rats. 
    This is just some few metods they use to calculate how many people died and so on.

  14. Ukranians by themselves are fighting Russian soldiers, seperatists, Syrians, Chechens, convicts. Easily over 100k invaders killed but the Russians dont want to include the casualties of their allies.

  15. Where IS the Mideast Gold that HRC Smuggled ? ??? Ask Nuland ? Why does the Uky Army Fight ? Why does ADZOV ? Not for the Citizens ! Nuland wants to Re-populate the Ukraine , with ??? The Ukraine became a Country in 1991 , before that , it WAS a part of Russia . The leaders of Ukraine were Deposed , in a Coup and the Freebooter Nuland put an Actor , mouthpiece , Straw-Boss elinsky in Charge ! He IS now an Actor Billionaire !!! Where is the Mid-East GOLD ??? QUEEN NULAND — Vichy UKRAINE


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