Pt1 BB24 Winner Taylor Hale To The Rescue Yet Again:After BB23/TheCookout Tiffany Interview Backlash

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23 thoughts on “Pt1 BB24 Winner Taylor Hale To The Rescue Yet Again:After BB23/TheCookout Tiffany Interview Backlash”

  1. My question is why should Tiffany give it to Monte, when Taylor is not upset with Monte. So, stop going after Tiffany when none of you are going after Taylor. Taylor heard about the things that Monte said about her and she still had Monte staying under the same roof with her and the other cast. I have to say the only person that called Monte out when he was on her podcast. Please go check out Kat Dunn channel. Why would Tiffany call out Monte, she didn't call all the men on her season? I understand somewhat with the guys on her cast, but she still could've commented and let people know she have to forgive even if there was no apology. It is not about the people who disrespected it is about her well being and forgiving. I am just tired of Black men disrespecting Black women. I think one reason is because Black people don't hold Black men accountable. I think the guys from season 23 and season 24 need to apologize publicly because they did it publicly. She was saying a lot on her channel so why not when the person come on her channel. She could've did it publicly as well in a respectful way. Maybe, she need to go check out Kat Dunn's channel. A Caucasian that didn't let Monte how se felt. I respected her more for her calling him on his mess. I understand Taylor and Tiffany in a way they don't want to take away what what they accomplished on Big Brother, but they also need to consider that young Black girls and young Black women are watching and they don't need to think it is okay to have Black men disrespect them privately or publicly. I personally think when the Black guys on BB disrespected a Black female/woman, they disrespected all Black females/women. We get enough disrespect for the society, we don't need it from our Black men. We as Black men/women also need to not disrespect Tiffany and Taylor, but is okay to call them out respectfully and let them know we still love them. Heck, we know we as Black people will let people know how we feel. lol At times, we need to always remember to respect our people because we know others don't. We are the only race/ethnicity that openly disrespect one another (ie using the N-Word). Every race/ethnicity have a derogatory slur, they don't use it on themselves.

  2. In my view on Tiffany, first I am a fan, that said, not only in Monty interview, Tiffany is low-key, so soft spoken in all of her interviews, yes her interview on Monty was disappointing, saw other sites where they held his foot to the fire.

  3. See Tiffany is a mammy. No matter how a black man disrespects BW, people like Tiffany won’t call it out especially directly to the man.
    Xavier, Derek F were very disrespectful to the cookout women but they were not called out.

  4. I believe Tiffany is following Derrick and Cody's leads. They set the tone for using kid gloves, since she collabs with them, she's doing the same. Monte can miss me w/the bouts of "selective" amnesia. I think Taylor should stay out of it and stop coming to everyone's rescue. It's okay for adults to be held accountable and to a standard.

  5. Beyond the interrupting and awful energy, Tiffany was actually WRONG. She said that Joseph told Julie "Monte AND the pound", he did not. And when he tried to say he only said Monte, she interrupted him rudely and said he was wrong. No he didn't say that to Julie, SHE was wrong. She is literally the definition of loud and wrong. Taylor can keep defending Tiffany because they're friends and that's fine. But Tiffany moves weird and we will continue to call it out

  6. People need to stop whining about Tiffany all day. If she didn’t bash The Cookout men in public, what makes you think she’s going to do the same to Monte. She is who she is, she hasn’t changed.

  7. Tiff thinks she's a master manipulator. That's why she lost BB23! She's a fakster and a bully twds darker skin Black women. She thinks too highly of herself, but she's THAT mean girl and a colorist to boot (Away + Kashay R evidence). I hope Taylor peels herself off of that clout chaser. 🙄😤

  8. Vinatainment, Inc…..I enjoy
    your re-caps and reviews.
    Tiffany must remember she
    has a fanbase too, but if
    that fanbase believes she
    is giving them the "oky-toky"
    or a "shell game" ppl are not
    stupid. All fans are asking for
    is accountability from Monte.
    Monte was very disrespectful
    to Taylor, fans saw how he
    treated Taylor. Tiffany you do
    ìn my opinion have responsi-
    bility to the ppl who got you
    where you are, fans, they
    voted you as AFP in your
    BB23 season. No one
    asked you to scream at
    Monte but the public need
    to hear his explaination.
    He was public belittling
    Taylor on national TV with
    millions of ppl watching. I
    applaud you for how you
    navigated & used the strategy
    ìn the BB23 season but this
    is another phase of that win
    it's called respect your fans.
    Taylor you did a fantastic job
    ìn winning BB24 under some
    of the worst conditions for
    any human being …BUT you
    also must remember just as
    Tiffany, don't forget your fan-
    base either. Your fans adore
    you for your strength and
    your courage, not all fans are
    doing wrong or disrespectful
    things. The true fans who are
    doing the right things ask only
    one thing from you that is
    "RESPECT" and that you trust
    their judgement. They didn't
    know you when you were in
    the BB house as you were
    being mistreated by just
    about everyone but they
    saw something in you
    that was good and they
    became your fans. So
    don't lecture your true fans
    just trust them….A Jaylor
    Fan !!!❤❤

  9. ~People seem to be surprised at Tiffany…Let's not forget, before they became the final 6, Tiffany was about to derail the cookout, but they had to get her in check…On The Challenge, she was trying to cause some mess by flirting with Cinco in front of Cashay…I hope she is not trying to be a fake friend to Taylor by riding her coattails…Taylor should tread with care, especially because she is wealthier than her counterparts. 💓

  10. Queen Tiffany I'm afraid is getting too relaxed. She seems to have forgotten her fans and why we voted her AFP/AFH. In the BB house she talked to the camera to us. She was very down to earth, relatable and always kept it 1000% real and that's what we love. WHERE IS THAT TIFFANY? I'm starting to relay on queen Chadda for the REAL professional hard accountability questions and interviews. Tiffany is changing, she's becoming too soft, weak, flirtatious and comfortable. Please come back Tiff . Where you at gurlll.

  11. Yes this is a game, however, what Monte and Terrence did to Taylor on a worldwide platform resonants through generations of black men putting down, degrading and minimizing black women's feelings and existence. This is FAR bigger than a TV show. If you think it's not, then you too are minimizing. Monte and Terrence literally acted like "old timey" self hating, I am gonna join the white man against the black women. I have watched some awful things done to black women on Big Brother, by white people, but they ALL pale in comparison to what those too degenerate "Tommy" black men did to Taylor. If WE could drag Monte and Terrence to the public square and "publicly" hold them accountable to the world for what they did to Taylor, we should. As a black woman, I absolutely "revoke" Monte and Terrence's "black cards". And this woman Tiffany, I didn't watch season 23, but she is NOT, who she claims to be. Taylor better get a clue. You deserve kindness and friendship Taylor, and NOT because you won a reality show. If Tiffany or ANYBODY in your circle showed, show you love and kindness BECAUSE you won a show, don't take their friendship so literally. Thank them and move on. Your REAL friend would have held your REAL enemy Monte's feet to the fire, PUBLICLY. The way he "shamed you" many times, PUBLICLY. Nobody's talking about bashing Monte, however if reminding him of HIS OWN NASTY WORDS makes him uncomfortable, oh freaking well. The bottom line is Taylor, Tiffany treated Monte with almost as much admiration as she treated you, while she treated Joseph with disdain. What are we missing here? Honestly? What are we missing here? I remember thinking as I am watching Big Brother season 24 on Paramount Plus, why is Joseph ALWAYS around Taylor. It's almost seems like he is guarding her. Is that true? Taylor are you Soooo trusting and weak that you can't tell who is your friend and who isn't? I am beginning to wonder. You know I would not be so pee ood with Tiffany if she had not been so nasty to Joseph. I would still have questioned her flirty behavior toward Monte, but I wouldn't have been upset. I am sorry Taylor but ANYBODY who gives Monte the Terrible a sweet embrace, is no friend of yours. Again, unless I am missing something. I am a black woman of a particular age and what Monte did to you, I FELT IT. Darn it. He and Terrence didn't just minimize you, they minimized ALL black women, INCLUDING his own mother. I don't understand why people can't see that.

  12. Unlike 27 year old Taylor, I think that 40 something Tiffany is thinking beyond the BB24 franchise. I wouldn't be surprised to find that her agent told her that she needs to tone it down if she hopes to get jobs on CBS hosting, appearing on other shows or even acting gigs.

  13. Hands down Kat had the BEST post game interview with Monte! When Monte tried to pull that “I don’t remember” BS she had the footage ready to show him, so he could explain himself. Kat wasn’t rude, she was respectful but she asked all the questions that NEEDED to be asked! I was disappointed in Tiffany’s interview with Joseph! She showed Monte a lot more grace than she did Joseph and Monte had WAY MORE problematic behavior than Joseph did in the house and Joseph was/is Taylor’s only REAL friend from BB24!!!

  14. I thought it was only me notice how weird that interview was . I love your Chanel because it always highlights what I’m thinking . I was wondering why she was giving Joseph such weird energy .

  15. No Tiffiany loves men so much she might have a crush on him . Remember on show she was horny on her bb season . She was all over the men .. That’s why she was so soft … And seems like the cookout is now riding on Taylor’s shirt tails now ! This is all so over the top … And Taylor saying size of Joseph burrito is TMI .. everyone near Taylor is getting famous and build their brand ! I am not only one saying this !


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