Prosecutors say drive-by shooting that killed 9-year-old was revenge-motivated

A man has been formally charged with the murder of a 9-year-old girl in Silverton after she was killed in a drive-by shooting while inside her grandmother’s home. Qasseem Dixon entered the court room on crutches for his arraignment Thursday morning. He is charged with aggravated murder for the shooting that killed Da’Myiah Barton-Pickens. According to the prosecution, the drive-by shooting was done in retaliation.


2 thoughts on “Prosecutors say drive-by shooting that killed 9-year-old was revenge-motivated”

  1. 9 year girl definitely should bring back the death penalty for all that was involved there it's not excepible enough is enough with all these shootings Americans are fed up with all of it in every State in our Contry I believe no one dose anything to stop it across America.

  2. This makes me sick to my stomach,the worst taking the life of a innocent child,they talk about the evilnest of these demons on earth in Revelations ,killing children,their own families,so evil the times we live in,ask the good Lord to look after the weak and elderly,the children the most innocent,and grant us peace.


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