Prophetic Vision: GOD Will Shake The Heavens And The Earth

#propheticvision #propheticdream

Hey guys, it’s a serious message but those who are faithful to the word and obedient have nothing to worry about. Some will be shaken yes, and we don’t want to see our Brother’s and Sister’s in Christ fall. Sometimes a good warning is all they need to bring them back on the right path.

Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.


7 thoughts on “Prophetic Vision: GOD Will Shake The Heavens And The Earth”

  1. Your video popped up in my feed today. The Holy Spirit led me to Hebrews 12 the end of 2019. As the past few years have unfolded I have had more and more revelation, esp right now. There is so much in that chapter! This week verse two leaped off the page. We are at the cross moment, but we can endure this if we focus on Jesus and keep the joy of what is coming before us! It is a discipline by a loving Father. So we brace our weak knees and go into His Presence at Mount Zion. If we do, there is much glory and restoration ahead!

  2. Yes thats a confirmation for me too. I had a dream (April 2023) and saw a massive rock with a huge crack going through the middle of it then I heard a voice saying 'dont fear my Kingdom cant be moved' and also lead me to the same verses from Hebrews. May we stay faithful and not fearful and keep preaching the gospel of the Kingdom!


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