“Progressive” men aren’t different- Playboy

Hugh Hefner is the perfect example of a man who thinks he is progressive, liberal and loves women when really he can’t stand us. He uses women to stroke his ego. The ultimate king baby narcissist! Don’t be fooled by men on the left who aren’t actively deconstructing patriarchy. They will call themselves feminist just to get you in bed.

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42 thoughts on ““Progressive” men aren’t different- Playboy”

  1. I’m sick so I sound like Marge Simpson 🤣. Please comment w/your thoughts, insights, stories, opinions or jsut some fun emoji’s to help this reach people who might need this message today. Thanks so much 💕💕🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. There's a video about one of the Playboy parties where one of his girlfriends said that he was so high on drugs once that he started racing one of his dogs and when she tried to stop him, asking, "What are you doing ??" he answered, "They have needs too !"………..

  3. As mona elthawy says, patriarchy is the oldest business.
    The old saying is a misdirection. Patriarchy created the conditions in wi ch men benefitted from viewing women as nothing more than sex &the labor that comes with it

  4. And he was like this bc once someone cheated on him ?? What we are suppose to do who are cheated, gaslighted most of the time ?? 👀
    And yes please make a video for Marilyn Monroe !! She was such a sweet soul !!

  5. Mel, please look up Julia Gillard misogyny speech she did in parliament. She was Australian prime minister and she gave it to the leader of the opposition. It’s a speech for the history books

  6. Thanks for this! Have you listened to the Girls Next Level podcast with Holly and Bridget? The premiere episode the very first one is AMAZING, it’s a must listen. I live in Los Angeles and always wanted to be a Playboy bunny and was so jealous of this woman and always hoped I’d run into a circle where I could move into the mansion but thank goodness I got lucky and never even met Hef. I met Kendra’s mom once at a taping of celebrity rap superstar and they all seemed so happy (i saw Hef and Holly and Bridget in person at the show but didn’t get to talk to them). I don’t know the details but I’ve seen some disturbing headlines about Kendra.

    Definitely recommend everyone read both of Holly’s books if you haven’t already.

    The curfew used to be 9 pm for Holly/Kendra/Bridget so I guess he got more strict for Crystal. I have her ebook and audiobook on hold on at my library and hope my turn comes up soon as I can’t wait to listen to her book; seems very relatable. Wishing the best for all these women and if you like this content definitely check out the Girls Next Level podcast with Holly and Bridget, they are amazing!

  7. They were performance slaves. Nothing more. A toy, a doll, using their bodies for his pleasure that’s it 🤷🏻‍♀️ they never mattered for more. I only wonder how educated and women who have could make career have chosen to live there. The illusion of feeling honoured to be with the playboy father says everything. But on the other way women who give up their freedom and their career for men without any benefits it’s the same somehow only in different versions but still the same story 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. It’s worth mentioning that intentionally causing infections is medical and physical abuse. It’s clear he got off on it, the pain these women had to experience as a direct cause of sex with him. He obviously enjoyed watching them suffer, and then be forced to still present themselves for his use. Frequent use of antibiotics can lead to resistance, which can be extremely dangerous down the line if you no longer respond to them.

  9. Okay so little off subject but as it was touched on:
    the progressive anti-vax movement was just about how heavy the schedule is (more than double most developed nations); and some of the questionable-ish ingredients (that are necessary in facilitating knocking down the immune system; and if maybe alternatives could be developed). It was SUPPOSED to be about forcing the for profit medical industry to do their job appropriately.
    But than people less than educated on the subject started running with how they don't work at all (on both sides of the isle)… Very disheartening.
    Epilepsy runs in my family, so I'm in full agreement, with the original intentions of the movement
    We used to get delayed schedules, but because of the anti-vaxxer movement doctors are really ambivalent towards any deviation from the schedule now.

  10. I so agree with the sentiments that a faux progressive misogynistic man is way more dangerous than an open one… They disguise it so they can get away with it more easily.
    Conservatives are horribly misguided, but at least think they're doing right.
    Faux progressives KNOW they are doing wrong. Terrifying.

  11. Omg if there was ONE thing I would want all young girls and women to know, it is that “liberal” or “progressive” men are JUST as dangerous as any other man, just as you said! I did not realize this until a few years ago.

  12. The little parrots dying in the dark corner over and over is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever heard. Those poor women who felt trapped entertaining him to survive. What a disgusting ghoul he was.

  13. I heard something awful the other day. A friend was saying that she was waiting for her husband to go out of town so she could remodel the bathroom. Why? So that he wouldn't be there to second guess all of her choices, laugh at her and argue with her about everything. She said she had learned long ago never to tell her husband her plans -to just do it, first, and let the chips fall where they may. "It's better to have a beautiful bathroom while he gripes about the cost for a few days, than to have an ugly bathroom for years while he gripes about every decision I make." OMFG!

  14. There have been rumors for a long time that Hugh Hefner was a CIA plant and that his mansion/magazine/empire was basically a honey pot operation where people were photographed/filmed/recorded in compromising positions for purposes of power and blackmail.

  15. I listen to the Girls Next Level podcast and it has been so eye opening! I loved those Playboy reality shows and spin offs when I was a college student, and at that age I had no idea how terrible this man was.

  16. Man, this is so dire. I feel so bad for these women, and I completely believe them because I was in a similar situation. Someone who may not have had this life may wonder why someone would put up with such a degrading situation for so long, but I get it. You internalize it, you need safety and security, you may have no one else to turn to and over the years it goes on for so long you don't know any different and don't know how to change it. I escaped from my situation and had a breakdown about a year later when my brain allowed me to fully comprehend what I had put up with. I feel for these women, sex slaves in the public eye and their captor is celebrated.

  17. Pretty sure Kendra was only 18 when she became his girlfriend. 🤢 She was 1 out of 3 at the time. Who remembers their show ‘The Girls Next Door’? Crystal came later after those 3 left.

  18. That man disgraded women. He commodified women’s sexuality and bodies as ”enterteinment’ for men. And he profited from sex enslaving women. That has nothing to do with ”freedom of speech”


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