Prioritizing the comfort of nomadic children with separate rooms

In the vastness of the desert, where the sun’s rays dance on the shifting sands and the winds whisper ancient secrets, there is a nomadic family called the Majid clan. Despite their transient lifestyle, they are constantly searching for greener pastures for their lives, but they have one belief above all else: the comfort and well-being of their children should never be compromised.

The Majid family has made a remarkable decision in the heart of their nomadic camp, in the midst of rough terrain and under the gaze of the stars above. They have chosen to prioritize their children easily by providing them with separate rooms – a luxury rarely seen in the nomadic lifestyle.

Every child, whether a curious toddler or a spirited teenager, has their own space to call their own. These rooms may be simple, made of sturdy canvas and woven mats, but they are imbued with the love and care of their parents. Children find peace and tranquility in these rooms, a refuge amidst the tumultuous journey of nomadic life.

The Majid family understands the importance of fostering a sense of belonging and security in their children, even amidst the ever-changing landscape of their existence. By providing individual rooms for each child, they give them a sense of stability and individuality, a place where they can retreat and recharge after a long day of exploring and adventuring.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the nomadic camp, the children of the Majid family drift off to sleep in their separate rooms, their dreams filled with visions of endless horizons and limitless possibilities. And Majid and his family can rest easy knowing that they have put their children’s comfort and happiness above all else – a legacy that will last for generations to come.
#new #chendar


45 thoughts on “Prioritizing the comfort of nomadic children with separate rooms”

  1. Señor operador si ud la ama le deseara lo mejor para ella y ella quiere seguir sus estudios y eso es muy importante para su futuro ser una profesional hoy en dia hay muchas mujeres que ya no dependen de sus esposos economicamente por eso si ud la ama esperara su respuesta pacientemente 😊 pero si me gustaria que su respuesta fuera que siiii quiere estar con ud señor operador 💖 pero sus estidios primero y asi tendran un gran futuro los dos 🤗💖.Ud señor operador aparte de su canal tiene otro trabajo 😁🤭🤭🙈🙈

  2. العائلة الرائعة لاتحزني ستعود الفتاة بعد الجامعه ويكون المنزل قد انتهى والجو قد تحسن اتمنى لكم السعادة❤

  3. Senhora Methab, sei que é um momento triste, porém Shkoufeh tem que ir cuidar de seu futuro também. Deixe ela decidir sozinha. Sei que vocês duas são muito unida, mais ela sempre volta, não fique triste, se fortaleça ainda mais no amor e na união de vocês duas, sabendo que ela precisa tomar está decisão sozinha sem interferência. Lembra que ela foi para a universidade para fugir de um casamento arrumado pelos seus pais, porém hoje ela está fazendo pelo futuro dela, quem está em evidência. Ore para que Deus mostre a direção certa e tudo ficará bem. Acredite nada é por acaso, tudo será feito de acordo com a vontade de Deus.

  4. على شكرفية ان تعطي رأيها اما ايجابي او سلبي فلماذا المماطلة
    اعتقد هذه المماطله جاءت من ضمن السيناريو والتمثيل
    المتفق عليه
    تمثيل واضح

  5. Если нет образования,то нет и жизни,ни работы,ни денег не будет,надо учиться,и развиваться,и менять такую бродячую жизнь

  6. Muito bem, hj Majid trabalha com luvas.q família maravilhosa,
    sr Afshin não fique triste por Shokofe ir para universidade, e vc vai sentir muita saudade dela e ficar ancioso pelo o retorno dela e ai vcs serão felizes. Abçs para familia e tds do canal.

  7. Ashfin, we have a saying in English: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." If you truly love each other, time away from each other will not be a problem. Shefoolah has made the right decision for herself, one that will give her more opportunity in the future. Be proud of her 🤗🤗

  8. Salam Dear Mr Afshin and Dear Madji'family❤️🌹🤲, i am also sad😢 Mehtab that Shokofeh is leaving, it's her wish to continue her studies inshaAllah she succeeds and will have a good job❤️🌹🤲, Mr Afshin Mehtab Madji Mr Afshin and the children she will be able to come even for the holidays❤️🌹🤲, Mr Afshin don''t be sad, everything is writting, whatever her answer, i pray that it is positive, you will accept it, thank you Mr Afshin for sharing a beautiful videos❤️🌹🤲, the house is growing MaschaAllah, you are all courageous, Madji is excellent construction master, be blessed al,❤️🌹🤲, i send you all my affection, Allah bless you all Mr Afshin Madji'family Jilly Jully and their babies❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🤲

  9. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
    Blossom, is truly a gorgeous young woman. And please
    Mr. Canramen please give give Miss Blossom time ⌚to think annoy your proposal. I'm sure the outcome will be surprising to you. The way that she looks in her expression she's very happy. And she has a beautiful smile.
    On the other hand she's see's her big sister has a wonderful loving ❤️husband that's always comments his wife honey, babe.. That's so amazing👍😍 that he does that he's a romantic and respectful man. And she was a husband like him. Remember she has said this before in your videos.
    Just be patient, all women don't want to be rush into to it.
    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I'm watching from Eastville California, USA 🇺🇸❤

  10. Я удивляюсь, глядя на эти постройки дома, крыша из тонких досок, делает все тяп ляп, лишь бы что то делать, первый же ливень и ветер проверит на прочность эту крышу и мне кажется крыша не пройдёт эту проверку

  11. السلام عليكم احبابي الاعزاء شكوفا اتمنى لك التوفيق في دراستك اعتني بالدراسة اولا ثم ان شاء الله اشياء اخرى تمنيتها ان شاء الله يكون خيرا الحمد لله الكل يشكرك لانك لطيفة وطيبة نعم الاخوة ونعم العاؤلة واتمنى لكم التوفيق كلكم بحبكم في الله اختكم المغربية من اسبانيا من الجزيرة الخضراء بالتوفيق ام شاء الله في حياتكم كلكم ماشء الله عليكم كلكم والسلام عليكم

  12. Hola familia,todos están s tristes pero a la vez feliz por shoukufen que se va a seguir su educación,eso es un derecho que tiene. Esperamos su regreso y buena suerte en la universidad,fuiste de mucha ayuda para esta linda familia.❤

  13. Me siento feliz cuando personas trabajadoras como ustedes logran tener una bonita casa y comodidades . Este hombre quiere lo mejor para su familia y tiene una buena esposa que lo acompaña . Los niños son hermosos y trabajadores como sus padres . Saludos desde Montevideo- Uruguay

  14. السلام عليكم سيد افشين لماذا الترجمه اللغه الانكليزيه نريدها باللغه العربيه رجاء وارجو الرد وعدم التجاهل لطفا ❤❤❤

  15. Familia favorita sois todos muy queridos para mi trabajadores TODOS sin excepción 💯💪💪💪💪🙍❤🧕⚘ me da pea qué se vaya pero eso es muy bueno para ti ⚘❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙🇪🇦🇪🇦

  16. لاتبكي حبيبتي ان شاء الله تمشي وترجعي بالسلامة الدراسة هي اولا قبل كل شيء الحمد للهانك رايحة للدراسة ما احسنها

  17. MY FAMILIA FAVORITA.MILES DE BENDICIONES…❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  18. نتمنى ان يكون تنزيل الفيديو في الليل حتى نتمكن من مشاهدته لان في هذا الوقت يكون متأخر و نحن ننتظر الفيديو الجديد بفارغ الصبر و شكرا

  19. Metah no este triste al contrario sientete feliz porque tu hermana va hacer una profecional y al terminal el semestre ella volverá y estarán juntas otra vez,Dios las bendiga siempre y las guarde que siempre este la una para la otra🥰

  20. Esa casa es un verdadero Peligro!!! Los palos del techo están sueltos, las paredes también, No están sujetas a ninguna parte!!! En cualquier momento puede caer un palo del techo o una pared y matar a alguien!!!
    Majid es muy cabeza dura y No quiere Entenderlo, acaso no se da cuenta que está en riesgo la Vida de sus hijos???

  21. Why are the children allowed in the work area with nails and debris. And Honey goes by herself on top of the roof. Honestly I want to support your channel and beautiful family but please don't be so careless with the children.😢

  22. Пропал интерес к этим фейковым каналам.Хотела увидеть настоящих кочевников в их повседневной жизни, но не срежиссированных сюжетах…

  23. Mr. Ashfin, please don't reply with a ❤when we are being concerned about the children's not getting hurt in the kitchen, on the roof and on the construction site!!!! Do something about it!!! I don't even want to watch this stupidity anymore. (Parents that can control their children) In front of the cameras just to get likes and subscribers. I am getting ready to cancel my subscription.

  24. No se preocupe señor AFSHIN en la conversación SHOKOFED le dice que le puede dar esperanzas. Esto es buena señal tal vez ella quiera estar segura que usted sí ella Acepta un compromiso con usted mantenga su palabra dejarla estudiar en la Universidad y terminar su carrera.


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