Prey Final Battle Predator Vs Naru Fight Scene Ending And Best Scenes HD

Prey Final Battle Pedator Vs Naru Fight Scene Ending And Best Scenes HD


24 thoughts on “Prey Final Battle Predator Vs Naru Fight Scene Ending And Best Scenes HD”

  1. How did a female beat the predator and not the bear or the other tribe guy? That’s the part that made the movie so fake. Like really? A female beating a predator 🤣😂 I’m done with these movies

  2. When this was first announced I was like, just no why but I actually liked it, better than The Predator.
    Want one set in Samurai Japan or During the Crusades or in deepest darkest Africa before the Europeans come etc.
    Although I am still holding out hope for a a proper Alien and Predator crossover with Arnie and Sigourney although there a bit too old now maybe.

  3. Stupid movie and stupid story. The super predator easily kills a huge grizzly bear, an entire army of armed men and a tribe of Indians without receiving serious damage. But the little girl killed him, considering that he is super fast, incredibly strong, technologically advanced, has super sensors (infrared vision, impeccable hearing and reflexes), and still the girl fooled him and killed him in a 1 on 1 fight. Modern feminist films are complete crap . Arnold Schwarzenegger from the first Predator cries on the sidelines.


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