Prehistoric Monsters in Northern Canada – A 2 Hour Compilation

This piece is a compilation of four videos on legendary prehistoric monsters in Canada which have already been published on this channel.

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:02:37 – The Monster of Partridge Creek
0:36:13 – Mammoth Legends from Canada
1:15:11 – Living Cavemen in Canada
1:39:20 – Prehistoric Monsters of the Nahanni Valley

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44 thoughts on “Prehistoric Monsters in Northern Canada – A 2 Hour Compilation”

  1. Interesting that Neanderthals are brought up. I have a friend of Indian descent who told me that Bigfoot is actually Neanderthals wearing animal skins. He said that they were quite heavy and tall, thus had big feet. He said that he used to see them quite regularly(suggesting that they moved on) and a family of them lived in a woods near his house(Northwest Ohio).He said they smelled terrible, not knowing to bathe. He observed them only and gave no offerings.

  2. I'll say this first your video was great, second your voice was great too, and lastly we know humans, cave lions, sabertooth lions, mammoths, giant sloths, and many other mega fauna were all contemporary with each other and interacted. I don't know what those interactions were but I can believe that they were sufficient to cause a lasting impact that continued until the modern times. The next part is that we also know that many of these interactions were violent and very nasty. I have read papers that actually date when certain mega fauna actually went extinct some of those dates for certain mega fauna were about the same time as the Spanish conquistadors mostly because they had reports of getting into conflict with some of them.

  3. The information Hammerson Peters has given through multiple posts can never be
    Underrated. From the North American Canadian Alaskan fur trade to the Gold Rush and specialty' the folklore white man was taught…. Like Siberia the US, Canada and Alaska is so mysterious,and àlive. The Headless valley still sends shivers down my spine .
    I believe we can never learn enough and who knows more about what lives in their forests iced landscapes mountains and rivers than the first Nations.
    Thank you so very much !

  4. I waited all day just relishing the idea I have a new video out by hammerson Peters to watch tonight. I was so thrilled to see it was 2 hours lol. This is the ONLY CHANNEL I WILL WATCH FOR THAT LONG. Its also the only channel that depresses me when its less a 30 min video lol. I cant express all the emotions thanks love and appreciation i have for your work. I even bought your books. You seriously should be the largest channel on youtube. Thank you so much for your work. You have touched people and their lives in ways youll never really know. Thanks again.

  5. I can tell you that the north american sasquatch still live. Ive had a few experiences, but there is more than meets the eye. Sasquatch have their own spoken language but can soeak telepathically. They can also effect your dreams, give you visions (project images), remote view, astral project and even cloak. The mountain sherpas believe the yeti can turn invisible at will, so im not alone

  6. Dear Honorable Historian I’m 77 yrs and getting ready to leave this world! I am very well educated . BS/ masters. One of the medias so called “ elites “ you my icon are the Elite “ I admire you can not get enough of your intellect! The female reader is not a historian just reads detached no feelings. Must dump her she is uneducated! A Dork! Please com back

  7. I certainly buy mammoths 🦣 living longer than suspected. After watching a new DNA show where they searched for and using a new extreme method, DNA older than a million years old. Siberia. But they said Jurassic park just can’t happen. But I wonder if they have already attempted and maybe succeeded in bringing back a mammoth as I know they found one with the meat preserved well enough to be edible now! So good DNA. Funny how we have heard nothing since. They were to use blow dryers to thaw it.

  8. I only know 1 Canadian personally. He grew up trapping beaver and when he turned 18 he bought a used car and paid for 1 year in rent like it was nothing. Always tease him about how Canadian that is.😊

  9. The part with the footprints in the mud reminds me of a story we have here in Quebec, its called " Le phénomène du lac Décarie" The phenomenon of lake decarie. A series of fresh 18 inches 3 toes footprints and tale found by a family fishing near a lake in 1977 , their is pictures and cast of the footprints. It was investigated by forest rangers and later by Yvon Leclerc who found evidences that the footprints were made by something articulated and that all the bones of the feets were visible in the plaster mold. Sorry for my bad english.

  10. You know I’m happy for this because you can learn about First Nations a little bit as well.. you’d be surprised how many people don’t know a thing about us.. I’ve literally had people ask me “oh I thought you were all wiped out” … I just wonder how people can think that when we’re all around Canada and U.S.. we can’t be that uneducated.. but having people not know about us or our way of life can be used to harbour hate between everyone..and hate sells unfortunately

  11. Seems like this is the future of YT. Making compilations every month, or two. These extra long videos get way more views from what I have noticed lately. I guess it counts us more than once if we come back.

  12. My brother in law saw a giant wolf about ten years ago. I was picking pine mushrooms and he decided to sit for a minute and a pack of wolves went by and the leader he figured was the same size as a house. Huge!

  13. Good afternoon, sir. Love your videos. They're an ideal mix of history, 1st Nation stories and myth. I'm amazed you don't have many more subs. Wishing you a wonderful day, from a grey and damp N Wales, UK.

  14. Hammerson why do you allow those crack pot ads on your channel? GEEZ!

    Of course, every story occurs in the late 1800s. Where there are no REAL witnesses. Soon stories will be from the late 1900's with no REAL witnesses, Know what Im saying!🧐


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