Praying for America – Another Example of Democrat Tyranny – April 10

Praying for America – Another Example of Democrat Tyranny – April 10


28 thoughts on “Praying for America – Another Example of Democrat Tyranny – April 10”

  1. I'm not catholic, but I appreciated the sincerity of the prayer for our nation… But I feel like he's joined the prophets in that their prayers for israel to tepent fell on deaf ears.

  2. The hypocrisy of the Demoncrat party and Arizona governor Katie Hobbs is obvious. She whines and moans about "women's rights" to abortion, yet Katie knew of the abortion ban by Arizona, she's been governor for FOUR YEARS NOW, and hasn't done a thing to change the law via vote nor legislation. A state can change it's constitution much much much easier than Washington DC.

  3. Why are praying for an adulterous person who has cheated on ll his wives,, and beat a few of them,,,
    Lies about his beliefs,, he has none,, he’s a money changer like the ones Jesus yelled at ,,
    Unless your reading his Bibel of dribble you bought for 60 rubles ,, then you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about,,
    He’s a national security threat to America and American values like democracy, voting rights,,
    Him wanting to be a dictator says he’s not a Christian anything,, he’s a traitor period

  4. If he loses he’s says there’s going to be a blood bath,,
    Well, after j6 ,, many of my veteran friends are now ready this time,,
    So bring it on,, we are hoping Donny will be in the front lines with some of these people on this anti- American network


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