AMH Medathlon 2022 – Grand Finale – LIVE

Medathlon is an inter school competitive event, organized annually, by the American Mission Hospital, for the schools in Bahrain.

It is an initiative of our hospital to promote Health Awareness and Scientific Knowledge among school children.

AMH Medathlon 2022 dates: November 30 (Wed), December 1 (Thu) and December 2 (Fri)


3 thoughts on “AMH Medathlon 2022 – Grand Finale – LIVE”

  1. 0:20 Opening – MCs Dr Feba and Mr Job, and Chaplain Paul Deutsch
    3:15 Welcome Note – Dr Babu Ramachandran


    7:25 Rules – Joel Indrupati, Chief Judge
    15:38 Speeches Begin

    MEDZAP Item 1
    1:43:14 Mime – Campaign on Healthy Living – New Indian School

    DEBATE – Finals
    1:49:50 Bahrain Indian School vs Al Sharqiya School

    QUIZ – Finals
    2:33:21 Britus Intl. School, Indian School, New Indian School, Asian School, Al Noor Intl. School, New Millennium School

    MEDZAP Item 2
    4:38:45 Mime – Campaign against Drug Abuse – Sacred Heart School

    MEDZAP Item 3
    4:42:15 Skit – Campaign against Drug Abuse – Asian School

    4:47:40 – Dr Babu and Dr Rama Krishna

    4:51:33 Speech – Dr George Cheriyan, Chief Medical Officer and Corporate CEO

    4:54:38 Awards – Speech Contests
    4:56:56 Awards – Quiz
    5:00:14 Awards – Teachers' Debate
    5:04:42 Awards – Short Film Contest
    5:10:14 Awards – MedZap


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