

  1. Brothers and Sisters fast and pray on this. But read Revelations 12:16. What if the water that has been spewed out of the dragon's mouth is already covering the wilderness. And the earth will open up its mouth and swallow the river that the dragon spewed out of his mouth. Meaning at the right time what is under sea level will re-appear for a moment. Let's fast and pray and stay ready!! APTTMHY!! I love the Lord…we are going from Glory to Glory to Glory. Learning more and more with the Spirit of Truth! Amen.

  2. Sister Kerry do you think, this what you are explaining here about the Garden of Eden could be what or where the dirty slizeers call the city of Atlantis??? Some how while you were speaking this narrative came to mind….

  3. Praise AHAYAH praise AHAYAH hallelujah hallelujah praise AHAYAH hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah โค๏ธโค๏ธ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  4. Praise Ahayah our good God. Praise his precious holy name. He is my everything. Without him am nothing. Kerry Ann I always pray to Ahayah to count me and my daughter and all my family members worthy to go to the wilderness. I always imagine meeting an angel and telling me " lets go and will stop everything and follow him. Since you said that you have seen massive ships in the spirit I have always prayed to Ahayah to remember us. Hope to meet you there sister

  5. These 2 scriptures are my main reasons for believing in the rapture.
    The woman that was given the 2 wings in Revelations 12:14 is representing the body of Christ which is the church of faithful Believers. God promises to protect us (rapture us) Rev3:10 from the hour of trial (the tribulation). Therefore, we must not fear, only be obedient ๐Ÿ”… Great is our reward in heaven ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ•Š

  6. I believe the garden of Eden is hidden under the ocean somewhere in Antarctica, cuz it's still part of Africa right. And one the reason why there are angels guarding the garden, so that enemies the devil who live and has a kingdom of their own somewhere in the deep ocean, what they call the marine kingdom, where all these witches/warlocks and satanist go to, to seek for help, cannot touch the holy garden of Eden. Reason #2 I believe why Ahayah hid the garden of Eden under the sea ocean, so that it the garden and the yashaelites/Hebrews when are gathered to stay there will be hidden from the antichrist and his minions๐Ÿ˜„. I believe the antichrist will keep looking for the Hebrews after the 2nd global exodus. But the Devil aka antichrist won't find them, because only Ahayah knows where the garden is exactly, somewhere under the ocean, that why going there would be spiritual. Cuz only Ahayah knows. Well, the devil can't do anything to search the entice ocean to look for the garden of eden๐Ÿ˜„, because I believe it's in the other dimension that only Ahayah know. Something like a portal, to go there. Juz my opinion๐Ÿ˜„

  7. At 9 years old in my geography class the Holy Spirit told me that the garden of Eden was in Africa. As an adult, I've done much research on the Garden of Eden and it was in Africa. The river that flowed out the Garden of Eden flowed into one of the rivers that flowed through Ethiopia which has always been located in Africa. My research shows that the Garden Eden was probably located in the area of Kenya or South Africa. I've been leaning more towards Kenya because Kenya has the largest variety of African animals than any other African country. We know that God gave Adam the ability to name every animal. I must say that the Holy Spirit hasn't confirmed to me the exact location of where the Garden of Eden was located in Africa.

  8. Sister Kerry-Ann, I listened you! I am a dreamer! after listened I remembered I had this dream on 2/9/20 Where I was sitting in a bible History class, and (an ancient like a prophet was teaching, a short man of dark complexion). He was pointing out in the study in the dream, the map of Africa saying it is not turned the right way (upside down) and that the garden of Eden is at the (POINT the tip) of Africa which is where S, Africa is situated. I am not an historian and I do not discuss these things, but I am dedicated recorder of my dreams so maybe God allowed me to hear and see this information as he had the map on the wall. Never shared it before. Very interesting! God is AMAZING!


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