Power Scaling is Stupid

Hydrogen Baby vs Coughing Bomb


32 thoughts on “Power Scaling is Stupid”

  1. those clowns said jolyne’s stand could punch with the force of a large nuclear bomb because she destroyed viviano’s meteors with a single strike, but conveniently forgot that stone free couldn’t bend the bars of her jail cell. death battle has done irreparable damage to the anime community

  2. I disagree with highballing.

    Maybe I'm just lucky, but in nearly ever debate I've seen highballing be used, I've seen it used as a tool dismantle rather then buff. Like highballing a low tier character to an absolute extreme, only to still lose to thier opponent in the debate (Goku, Doctor Doom, whatever doesn't matter).
    Highballing is a good tool in general debates. If we can assume the upper limits of person1, and person2's lower limits outclassed them, then obviously person 2 wins.

  3. Personally I feel like it's not just that people equate "Strong character" to "Good Character", but it's that people equate "Winning character" to "Good Character".

    For example I saw one video where somebody was talking about which anime MC had the most tragic life and there was a litany of Berserk fans getting unreasonably mad that Guts wasn't chosen despite the fact that there were a bunch of characters who basically gone through everything Guts had gone through and more, there was even a guy who actually said it was disrespectful to the Late Kentaro Miura's name to say Guts wasn't the most tragic character, as if Miura made Guts with the sole intent of winning an internet argument like this. These guys were fighting tooth and nail just to claim that their character was the "SADDEST".

    At the end of the day it's not just about Power, it's about excelling in something, anything. It could be about having the coolest character, the saddest backstory, the most pathetic goon, literally make any post that goes along the lines of "Which character is the most ___ here" and you'll see somebody getting mad that their favourite character/series isn't winning. Power is the most dominant example of this due to the constant presence of conflict in storytelling as well as comics and anime allowing for way more ridiculous feats, but in the end people just like to see the series they like win at something, anything.

  4. i checked the star wars page recently on vsbattles wiki and its horrendous, strength they dont have, speed they dont have and durability they dont have
    massively hypersonic speed? bro a mandalorian blocked a bluster with a spear and you are telling me they are fast, even kids have dodged them jedi or not they arent that much stronger than regular humans/alliens obi-wan once got into a fist fight with a slave trader and he lost (it was a fair fight suprisingly)
    durability city lvl? they somehow missed order 66
    ap city lvl? stupid outliers from the newest movies they thing scales to their punches

    powerscaling as a concept is interesting but it sucks because the powerscalers suck, i am not a good scaler myself but i am not blind
    let me show you an example, lets take naruto
    how do you figure out strength? he KO a moon buster (cut an empty moon in 2) so he is moon lvl at base with his punches (did that by using all of kuramas strength in his punch)
    speed? haku said he is ligthspeed same with multiple characters, maths, naruto is x100000 times the speed of light
    durability? same as strength

    but are they consistant with what we see in the show? no, do powerscalers care? HELL NO, its not about scaling its about meat riding

  5. You know, I feel like I owe an apology to the Big N' Stuff video that this one is clearly ripping off from, because at least that video made coherent arguments that people could engage with and respond to. They weren't good arguments, but it did make them, and that's more than I can say for this video.

  6. Saw one mf say that since there is a random demon in demon slayer that makes an separate dimension that is infinite in size, that must mean that Muzan, which power wise has no relation to that demon is now scaled to universal at low bal and is multidimensional at high bal, so he beats Sukuna. And also since the demon slayers has attacks with lighting in there name and Muzan is faster than them he must be faster than light. I hate power scaling

  7. I hate power scaling is stupid titles. Because what most of them are saying is to power scale accurately or that people don't know how to power scale. And just a very simple piece of advice for a socially acceptable human. Inform rather than attack people who might be or say something offensive. Becoming irritable or attacking someone only lowers their respect and tolerance towards you.

  8. Authors do use power scale they don’t usually use calcs tho, their different, if power scaling didn’t exist, how would we know that goku is logically stronger than nappa, & would 10/10 win in a fight, its scaling

    Calcs are when people start adding more mathematics to calculate certain “feats” like speed, or attack potency. Ofc some authors do little with scaling but it still exist whether people agree or not. It’s just depends on how it’s used by the audience or brain dead people that would get someone mad about it.

  9. 1:54 So is there a non literal way to interpret this?

    2:51 Because we're calculating characters' power and seeing how they would interact. For us unbiased scalers, the outcome doesn't matter. If I wanted to see an intense back and forth between two relatively strong fighters, I'd watch a Hyun's Dojo video or something.

    3:07 Not necessarily. Take One Piece for example. Many seem to believe that One Piece caps at island level, despite the fact that a guy who's fodder when compared to the Yonkos and Admirals, split a continent in two.

    3:35 Question: Does everything suddenly not count just because "it's just a joke, bro"?

    4:12 Projection at its finest. Most, if not all authors power scale, even if only inverse. Authors know their hierarchy of power, and so would know how to not make a fight boring. You could add a hax or made one weaker one have environmental luck, like a falling pillar, or if both fighters are relative in power and speed, you can make one character a better strategist, Ect. There are so many variables that power scalers take into consideration that it's crazy how you don't. Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, the author wants the fight to be a stomp. Maybe he wants to make character a look as badass as possible, so pits him against the weak character b.

  10. My Spider girl beats your turtle femboy because my Spider girl doesn't eat plastic or another man's dick, therefore isn't fatherless and, as a result of having a loving family, has a healthy lifestyle and finds a real partner starts a family which continues long past the turtle femboy's lifespan.

    Fr tho

    1. A creator doesn't need to think about how many joules an attack needs to be to make a character do an attack with whatever energy. Because characters get stronger throughout a series they will naturally be able to do more impressive feats which will inherently require more energy.

    2. Strategy abilities and whatever is also a part of power scaling and vs debates. They aren't thrown in the garbage at all.

    3. A Matchup where a character blitzes is of course not fun so shouldn't be talked about unless any of the aforementioned could change that.

    4. People who misinterpreted are use hyperbolic statements are the problem not power scaling.

  11. John(s) Vs goku

    Win conditions :
    John(s) : remove goku from most media spaces and peoples mind
    Goku : stay relevant

    Id say the battle is very dependent on time, goku can last centuries or even millenias but as long as john(s) exist and new john(s) are born they may eventually quitely remove goku from relevancy. So id say its dependent on how many generations can john endure!

    Thanks for listening to my hot take! Have a good day

  12. As a power-scaler I’m actually really glad you used the “gravity is light speed” thing because it’s unironically representative of how scientifically illiterate most power scalers are. I’ve heard people argue that Magneto can control light because it’s part of the “electromagnetic spectrum” (he can’t, light isn’t affected by magnetic field AT ALL since it has no charge). I have even heard… unironically… a Dragon Ball fan argue that SOUND IS FASTER THAN LIGHT as a way to pointlessly debunk Mat Pat’s Namek theory. He just looked at the title of a random article online that didn’t even say that and then smugly said it to be true. I had to look it up and it actually just said that the impulses of the wavelengths in sound appear and disappear faster than the ones in light. This was stated in the first paragraph. He didn’t even open the link. Sits wild man


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