Restoration of the OLD STOOL – FURNITURE RESTORATION OLD BROKEN STOOL RESTORATION / Heart-warming transformation. Antique Furniture Repair | Furniture Restorer Old Stool Restoration, How to restore old wooden furniture? How to restore an old stool AT Restoration Restoring a step stool The (almost) Impossible Wood Stool Restoration Old Damaged Wooden Stool – Restoration


Hello my good friends, we restore a very dirty and broken stool and turn it from burning and throwing away into a functional piece. I hope you enjoy watching this video.

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happy moments


🔷TimeStamps Chapters :
00:00 Restoration of the old furniture(Preview)
00:34 Old Stool Restoration – FURNITURE RESTORATION
00:43 Removing nails from old wood
02:42 Removing nails, pneumatic nailer from old wood
04:00 Separating the parts of the stool from each other
06:11 Cleaning the dirt from the ancient stool
06:13 Making the best dirt and grime cleaner at home
06:29 Cleaning the dirt from the ancient chest
07:08 How to remove oils and dirt from wood.
10:02 How to replace defective parts
11:32 Repairing and rebuilding the defective and damaged bases of the old stool
13:44 Filling wood seams and cracks with instant glue and sawdust
14:31 How to fill joints and cracks in wood
16:33 How to connect broken pieces of wood together
18:17 How to repair a broken wooden piece of furniture.
19:03 How to sand a wooden piece of furniture.
19:26 Sanding stool parts
20:25 How to sand old and ancient wooden pieces
21:25 Mounting the parts of the old stool
22:54 How to make your own wooden pieces without nails
27:37 Stool beautification with overlays
28:01 How to work with a woodworking router
29:20 Making special paint for wood
29:43 Painting the old restored stool
32:49 The final show of reconstruction and restoration of the old stool




23 thoughts on “Restoration of the OLD STOOL – FURNITURE RESTORATION”

  1. I am very pleased to see such careful removal of rusty nails with the knife technique. It irritates me to no end when I see so-called restorers inflict yet more damage on a piece they're working on when they chew up the woo surface with gouges, cracks, splinters, and dents from nail removal. I will keep watching you, for sure. P.S. Baking Soda and those other two acids you used (phosphoric in the coke and acetic in the vinegar) simply cancel each other out). This mix of chemicals looks foolish. Might I suggest you do some research on oxalic acid in furniture restorations.

  2. Awesome, amazing, incredible…all those things. Your work is amazing, meticulous….and I have written down your recipe for cleaning old wood, never saw anyone else do that and never saw results as good as yours. I'm a believer. And if you don't already work with museums, you should. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊

  3. Thank you for not getting mad with me. I spent many years making a living from restoring antique furniture. The beauty of hand rubbed french polish is its thinness. Corners are not rounded as they are when spraying. The spray polish sits on the surface, not part of the wood. Being so thin french polish brings depth to the wood. Cheers.


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