Postgame Podcast: Penn State doomed by offensive no-show at Ohio State

The Lions247 Podcast returns with a postgame edition after Penn State’s disappointing loss at Ohio State. Major offensive struggles prevented the Nittany Lions from capitalizing on several opportunities and squandered a strong defensive effort, resulting in a 20-12 loss and new questions about quarterback Drew Allar. Listen for live feedback from coverage in Columbus.

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47 thoughts on “Postgame Podcast: Penn State doomed by offensive no-show at Ohio State”

  1. When will the fan base turn on the pretender that Franklin is? This is ALL on James Franklin. If the goal is to compete for national championships, then James Franklin will NEVER be the answer. Allar and his talent will be wasted because of inept coaching. The sooner PSU moves on from Franklin, the sooner they will have a chance to compete with OSU and UM. Franklin is an arrogant fraud.

  2. DEFENSE always wins Championships 🏆. Last year, after the Michigan loss, Jim K. should have implemented this years defensive schemes. If Kyle M. figures out how to SLOW the game down in his mind, no one will beat this team. Another National Championship will come this way to THE. Opportunities are very fleeting….all the pieces must fit together.

  3. Overall liked the offensive game plan. Third downs are tough on the road. No questions on Allar from me. Had some great passes today that will go unnoticed. Not his fault the defense let him down constantly.

  4. Unfortunately, Penn State will always be a 2nd tier program under Franklin, regardless of how many players Penn State keeps putting in the NFL. Like I've always said, Franklin is a cheerleader, not a football coach. He's an excellent recruiter and a piss poor coach. Penn State can't throw downfield or generate explosive runs. They have a national championship caliber defense being wasted on another Franklin blunder of an offense.

  5. Ohio state was missing their best cornerback best running back and #2 big play wr and kind of played like shit on offense. Score doesn’t show how dominant win it was for Ohio state score should have been 35-6

  6. Ohio State fan here. 1) I think Penn State is our best and classiest rival 2) I do not believe that Joe Pa could have known anything about the vile stuff going on with Sandusky and Joe will always be a great man and great coach for me 3) To see your QB break down was sad for me and made me want to tell him, "Look, mate, you're going to be kicking ass the rest of the season and I'll be pulling for you." Finally. I wish you'd stop saying how unremarkable and ordinary OSU was. That diminishes YOUR team. Fact is, MY team was very good.

  7. Franklin is Penn State. Nobody wanted to win this game more than him. Time to rally around him, just as he rally’s around his players. At the end of the day, it’s a football game, not the Gaza Strip.

  8. In a big picture sense, if our downfield/intermediate passing game is not working with Drew then what is the point in playing him instead of Beau, honestly…at least Beau gives u a legit running threat and might still give u similar passing production (which isn't much at the moment anyway)…he fits the read option WAY better than Drew…also if PSU wants to be a ball control offense, well Beau should be better at that as he will constantly be getting 3-6 yard per carry, while also breaking off some 20+ runs and keeping the chains moving…this offense we currently run with Drew is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole

    i know Drew is a 5 star and that it would be a bad look for the program if Drew was replaced in some fashion…but if it's all about winning games on the field then Beau right now might be the better option…i do see a 1st round talent in there with Drew, but will that QB ever be fully realized in this offense with this HC and OC?

    and in big games have u noticed Franklin always seem super quiet, with his arms crossed with little emotion on the sidelines?…like he's playing scared, waiting for bad thigs to happen but in blowouts or when PSU has the superior talent he will get in people's faces (like walk-ons and first year players with 4 mins left in a game if they make a mistake) and will be energetic…i think the teams sees/senses this and plays tight in big games like the coach…maybe I'm wrong, idk

  9. What do you guys expect?? his coaches never gave Drew the chance to throw the ball down field. They have really cheated that kid and now want to say he is responsible for the loss. Very Cringy

  10. That’s what happens when you play a poor schedule you’re not prepared for big games when they come. We’ll see what happens to Michigan when they finally play a big game going to Penn State. because they haven’t played anybody Either

  11. Buckeye here. Please stop blaming Allar. This is all on the off coordinator. Day was asked in his post game about not recruiting Allar. Instead going after Quinn Ewer who only thought of NIL cash and himself. Allar proved his dedication to you. He has everything in him to lift the abilities of your receivers. The off coordinator doesn't know how to use him. The QB coach doesn't know how to bring the best out of him. This problem is on the grown ups not a 19 year old. Keep your chins up and please beat Xich

  12. The 3rd and less than a yard pass with a 6’5 245 qb was a real head scratcher especially when we jammed it down other teams throats. Stupid gadget plays, no wheel routes and forgetting about the tight ends is unbelievable. Offensive game plan was non existent. Penalties cost a touchdown (nowhere near the play) cost a strip and run back. PSU looked lost and that is on the coaches

  13. To Drew Allar: From one of the Buckeye family: Keep your head up young man. It's a team game and no one is perfect. There were people in our fan base that was Very inhospitable to a QB whose last name is Stroud, not so long ago until he showed better. "Fans" are hot and cold. Do what you do-and keep preparing. You can do it. Will I root for you when you play us again-no-but there will still be the admiration of one formidable. BUT, do not allow your own fans to get you down. Most of them never played a down of football at your level in their lives. They don't know what it's like. Keep fighting, young man.

  14. Penn st podcasts have the most delusional people throwing out the most We Are Crap.Have seen Allar play every game with penn state and have never seen him throw a pass during crucial parts of games downfield for more than 10 yds. 80% of his throws are 5 to 10 yds.

  15. So weird how every one of these Penn State sites say Ohio State isn’t elite this year and Penn State blew it. This is one of the best defenses Ohio State has ever had. They have the best player in college football on offense and a championship caliber defense.


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