Pope Threatens Prophets Of Doom;SDAs Thwart his Plan.ADRA Joins COP27.Sunday Agenda In 7 To 10 Yrs

Pope Threatens “Prophets Of Doom”; SDAs Thwart Pope’s Plan. ADRA of SDA Joins COP27 & Signs Climate Charter. Pope: Sunday Law Agenda Coming Within 7 To 10 Years. What I Told You Yesterday, Pope Confirms Today At COP27 With 3 Unclean Spirits Like Frogs.


49 thoughts on “Pope Threatens Prophets Of Doom;SDAs Thwart his Plan.ADRA Joins COP27.Sunday Agenda In 7 To 10 Yrs”

  1. Pope Threatens "Prophets Of Doom"; SDAs Thwart Pope's Plan. ADRA of SDA Joins COP27 & Signs Climate Charter. Pope: Sunday Law Agenda Coming Within 7 To 10 Years. What I Told You Yesterday, Pope Confirms Today At COP27 With 3 Unclean Spirits Like Frogs.

  2. 7-10yrs BIG Distraction, Diversion, DECEPTION why you think he is moving rapidly Rev.12:12): the devil is even more wrath with the remnant church of God (Rev.12:17 – ready to strike with "blacklisting, then persecution punch) for exposing his agenda…. Well they are about thier agenda: we God's people better be about our MISSION…

  3. ☑️ God bless this ministry ✝️❗️🙏🙏
    Spirit of Prophecy does mention SDA can go along with world leaders _up until Sunday Enforcement issue _that is the actual break off point _there is no need for other leaders to think Adventists don't care about the planet ; how else would they get any of the Advent message ⁉️😊

  4. I spent this past 1st day of the week,going to live streams of churches. some with as many as 1500 watching. warning about cop27, many hadn't heard anything about it. They do now. Mother Earth Worship, being forced and tricked to worship the creations not the creator. I know at some point I'll get blocked. not stopping as long as I can get anything to anyone that may help get them on the right path.

  5. The agenda is outlined in Laudato Si and the last encyclical Fratelli Tutti. UN agenda 2030 and the WEF global reset are all components… very interesting that papa smurfs 7 years links to 2030. And people can't see. All roads lead to Rome.

  6. It’s sad to see and hear the things that are taking place in the church and the world. However, the Lord is still on the throne. He has been, is and will continue to be in total control. The Lord will be the help and hope of His true people. He will have a safe place as well, for His believing children – the 144,000 – first-fruits (Revelation 7:1-8) and the Great Multitude of Revelation 7:9, 10).

    There are as we should know 2 classes in the SDA church, the good and bad, the wheat and tares (Matthew 13). Therefore, there must be a separation by the Lord, as He will have a pure, clean church and the remaining faithful ones to finish the work. They will take the final message to everyone, whereas now our SDA church is only taking the message to many. These two groups of living saints, one sealed from the SDA church after the (Purification of the church/Judgment of the Living – Ezekiel 9), they (the 144,000) will afterwards bring in a 2nd group from the Protestant Churches/Babylon/the World. Read as an example: (Isaiah 66:15-20), but others scriptures show the same truths.

    Yes, there are 2 classes in the Protestant Churches as well, because not all there will be found faithful either. The saved join God’s 144,000 in God’s Kingdom, while those lost from the other churches including the unsaved those not converted to Jesus Christ of the world, receive the mark of the beast during the Sunday Law period when enforced, face the 7 Last Plagues.

    God’s SDA church will be cleansed in literal Judgment (read Manuscript Releases vol. 1 p. 269). For all these reasons we need to “sigh and cry” for all these abominations that are taking place. This will absolutely do judgment in His house (1 Peter 4:17, 18, for these things, before the Lord can bring in others not of this fold. (John 10:16). But some of faithful saints will be put to sleep and will be of the resurrected ones. See Reklamation Ministries concerning these subjects.
    God bless.

  7. Thanks Pastor, for being a faithful watchmen, sounding the spiritual alarm, barking loudly, as many are not whether it’s due to fear or something else, God knows. (Isaiah 56:10) and (Matthew 24:45-51).

  8. Thank you pastor Andrew for watching the current events n alarming the world. Praying for ur ministries. Pray for me to b faithful to my God. May God bless u n keep u under His wings

  9. The whole world will fall for this deception just as they fell for the official narrative of 9/11, BLM and Covid etc. The levels of hypocrisy are already at astronomical levels but its only going to get worse and those with true solutions will be blamed as the ones causing all the worlds problems like the spirit of 1kings 18:17.

  10. Brother Henriques, this is brother, James Tierney. At minute 2:44 of this video you said the religious leaders are seeking to unite under “one head” which is the Papacy, yet when I came to you, and proved that Pope Francis is the eighth papal head since they regained their seat of the dragon within the seven hills, and I told you that God shared with me that this is the last pope you mocked me and treated me like trash. Pope Francis is the eighth king of revelation, chapter 17, verse 11 and you need to wake up.

  11. Brother Henriques, the great battle is between Christ and Satan, we are the subjects, we are all sinners not even one is righteous before our Heavenly Father, its only Christ our Substitute whose righteousness is imparted to us not because we are good but because God is Love and good towards us. 1 John 1:8 Romans 3:23 John 8:44, Romans 3:9 Romans 3:19, Galatians 3:22, Romans 11:32, Brother do you love Pope? If we can't love each other then what does the Bible say 1John 4:19-20. 1John 2:4, 1John 4:12, John 17:21-23. The are only TWO denominations in the world, the children of God who love and obey Him and rebelious children who have rejected and despised the Salvation of God. But remember God knows us. Do not judge Pastor!

  12. Pray for me Pastor Henriques and my family. I didn’t know about this but now I’m slowly coming in to agreement of all your sermons. I’m Alice from Kenya. I don’t know where to join your ministry in Kenya. Pray for my family too my 3 boys and my husband.

  13. All Praises To YAHAWAH BAHA SHAM YAHAWAHSHI!!! YAHAWAH The Ancient Of Days The HEAVENLY Father!!! YAHAWAHSHI HIS Only Begotten SON, Our SAVIOUR! Our Deliverer! May I Say Beloved Watchmen, I Usually Do Not Correct Our Israelite Mens,But The 7th Day Sabbath Is The 7th Day From The New Moon. Mostly Ever 30 Days, When U See The New Moon U Count 7 Days Out and That's Ur SABBATH DAY! Not Every Saturday! This Month Nov. 2022 Our Sabbath Day Is Tues Day Evening Till Wednesday Evening. Our Next New Moon Is Nov.23,2022 Count 7 Days Out and That's Our SABBATH DAY, It Will Be Wednesday Evening Till Thursday Evening for 30 Days Till U See The New Moon. Signs Are In Our Skies! Thank U For Allowing Me To Share! I Tell U No Lie, Just Truth and Honesty With LOVE!💞Shalawam and Have A Peaceful Hannukah! To All Hebrew Israelites 12 Tribes World🌍Wide! Keep Praying Saints We On Our Way Back HOME! Salutations Beloved!!!🕊🌍🕊


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