In this raw uncut video I expose tyrannical police and unprofessional library staff. Librarian threatens me with physical violence… and the police put their hands on me! Multiple citizens escalate things and I educate them properly!



  1. Thank you so much everyone for your support! Please hit that subscribe button with the notification Bell because I'm about to drop my new video here within the next couple of days! APC crew members are an elite group of Patriots who know the value of the first amendment! I appreciate all subscribers as they are now apart of my journey together to help spread the good word that the first amendment is here to stay! God bless you all ALWAYS and I mean that!

  2. Calm down, calm down man, it is an Audit right and always remember the objective is recording in a Public accessible area gathering content for a story PERIOD. Banging on the door, forcing to open a locked door, engaging back and forth with the public does not help. I hope you watch this back analyse and make correction.

  3. As can be seen, no emergency here yet the cop’s are parked illegally & blocking traffic. Typical BUTCH officer thought she was in charge of an already secured scene where there’s already 2 male officer’s as if they needed her help. That’s an overstaffed department.

  4. here is a whole lot of ignorant Un-American employees and citizens that don't understand their rights… these ppl are morons!!! that employee needs to be fired immediately for threatening to put her hands on a customer/citizen… that is unprofessional and unlawful to threaten someone… he has every right to record anything he can see in public and there is not a damn thing they can do about it… these ppl need to understand that this is a free American and ppl have rights and one of them is free press, the 1st amendment… why don't don't dumbies learn… why don't these employees pick up one of those books in that Library maybe like the Constitution or something and try reading it for once in their life and maybe they will educate themselves on the rights that they have in this country because right now they're just making themselves with like fools. how does someone work in a library with so many books where they could be educated themselves on a daily basis by reading all the books they want and learning all about any information they want to but instead they choose to remain ignorant and incompetent and because of that they will never understand it their own darn right, how embarrassing!!! the top is an idiot too should be fired also he's public servants are just a bunch of fools just a bunch of fools I can't believe it my goodness. none of these people are worthy of our tax dollars and as far as the other citizens are better in the library they are just pathetic absolutely pathetic it's really pathetic that be prone as people don't know the rights and how sad

  5. that old man that started the whole thing is absolutely pathetic not American and the worst one of them all he still doesn't understand after people explaining to him this whole time that it's his First Amendment right to do that to record in public. as far as that military guy that supposedly served two tours, it's very embarrassing and absolutely pathetic of him that he doesn't understand what he fought for because he doesn't know that recording in public is part of the First Amendment Free Press and he's completely ignorant of it. I mean please tell me military man what do you think you were fighting for over there on your chores because you obviously don't have a freaking clue. thank you for your service but try learning what you're actually fighting for and what you're fighting to protect before you open your stupid mouth and make yourself look dumb. as far as these cops go they all should be fired they're all dumb as hell. all they had to do was show up tell the people hey hey quiet down calm down it's his first moment right there's no privacy in public no expectation of privacy in public and she's right to record in public anything he can see just ignore him you don't have to talk to him just go about your day and that's it tell the employees and the citizens that and then leave. but no these idiots have to escalate the situation start touching somebody that doesn't want to be touched by them patting them down for no good reason because other people in the library lied on their phone call to the dispatcher which is an actual crime so instead of bothering a guy recording it should be bothering the people that made the false report to the dispatcher but no he's idiots want to bother the person recording I wonder why. and that lady officer is a complete tyrant doesn't want to give her name was to act like a child who wants to walk away from the camera man back and forth back and forth to every citizen that has an issue with him recording it instead of telling them it's his right to record all she keeps saying it to make things worse is always just trying to get famous on YouTube he's just trying to get a rise out of you instead of actually educating these dumb stupid stupid citizens that have no clue what their rights are. instead of teaching these people with their rights are but educating them and deescalating the situation he's morons with badges decide to do the complete opposite of what they should be doing… how disgraceful, they are incompetent as all hell and super super ignorant and not very well trained whatsoever. these are the type of officers this country just not need, these are the type of officers have caused that distrust in all the communities in this country of the police departments because of actions like this and even worse. learn how to do your job before you put on that badge do your job correctly or don't do it at all. fire these idiots down they don't deserve to wear that bad I just didn't deserve to please that Community there are disgrace, they are a liability

  6. the lady officer covering her name tag is committing a policy violation along with many other things that she did wrong at this call. I mean all of these cops should be fired but definitely her she has a very big problem with the Constitution and citizen exercising their right. you cannot be a good officer if you have this much disdain for a citizen exercising his rights so she definitely should be fired if she had a respectable professional supervisor who wanted the best officers for his Department. we will see what happens, if not then we all know that the supervisors are bad too hopefully not

  7. people the people that close the library should be fired and that guy needs to shut his mouth who keeps on saying that he got the library closed because of what he was doing and for being in a hole. it is not right to close a public building that citizens pay for with their tax dollars all because you should have said it is exercising his rights to Free Press and the employees and citizens in their do not like it, or do not feel comfortable about it. none of that should matter because nobody is breaking the law or doing anything wrong, the only thing that is going on is somebody is living a free life and a free country exercising his rights to the Constitution that this country goes by. so please tell me employees why are you shutting down the building that taxpayers paid for and not allowing them to get the services that are supposed to be provided from those tax dollars??? I sure hope the employees at the library have a competent boss and knows about the laws and the Constitution and is willing to do his job correctly and hold them accountable for treating the citizen that reservation his rights this way and for closing the building down early when there was no good reason to. he needs to tell them that people pay taxes to fund this building and get services from us and we cannot close the building early for someone exercising their rights that is unacceptable, after that he should fire them because this is an unnecessary situation that's caused all because the citizens and a library employee that threatening me say the same and just started a huge ordeal over nothing all because of their ignorance and incompetence.

  8. Wow I left a comment stating about the music being obnoxious and you can't even have freedom of speech what happened to our constitutional rights this channels out defending it's crazy

  9. Yeah. No. Too much my dude. You're the asshole with the old Indian man.
    Leave the citizens alone. You didn't educate him, you antagonized him.

    The ridiculous employees needed to be checked though.

  10. 🤣 😂 😃 😄 🙃 😁 🤣 😆 😂 i LOVED THIS!!!!

    You were violated illegally frisked, & harassed by two young untrained, uneducated, rookie cops.

    Every single cop handled the situation wrong, especially the female Sargeant at the end. She ESCALATED THE SITUATION TERRIBLY. She gave all the people in the library wrong information about you, saying you were there to get a rise from people. She lied to them that a supervisor was coming & things were going to get a lot worse for you.

  11. And people wonder what America is doing by giving up they’re rights freely for the world stage. The elites have fooled the world since 2019 everything was a scam and experiment including the green new deal which Bill Gates was caught admitting its a scam and will do nothing for environmental 😂😂😂

  12. Yellow shirted prick pulls the veteran card as if that has any damn thing to do with this. Especially vets in the last 20 years, their actions in the middle east made us objectively less safe. I make no distinction between military and police. Neither of them give a shit about us.


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