Pokemon Goes NFTs?

The Pokemon Company seems to be interested in Blockchain, NFTs, Web3 and the Metaverse in this new job posting. I think the implications are crazy. Also before anyone brings up my statement about phones, I know its not a 1:1 comparison, however I don’t even hear anyone TALKING about it, let alone going out of their way to try to find more ethically sourced devices. The point I’m making is that a lot of people only care when its trendy or convenient for them.

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22 thoughts on “Pokemon Goes NFTs?”

  1. Pokemon NFTs. The ultimate test of "It sells just because it's pokemon."
    Most people I talk to dislike NFTs, but I really do wonder how many people are going to excuse it just because of the brand. X-x Plus I fear this influencing smaller games.

  2. Breaking news: the sales of Every other monster taming game/series/franchise on planet earth that isn’t pokemon skyrockets.

    Well anyways i already boycott official pokemon media since pokemon SV was mid sooo.

  3. For some time around 2021 and 2022 i had noticed there were relationships between Pokémon and nft. Fun fact, someone famous that works for Pokemon has a connection with something 👀

  4. I've been playing Pokemon since R/B. I will drop Pokemon like a bad habit if their games have ANYTHING to do with NFT's. I do not support crypto or NFT's in any way shape or form.

  5. why people surprised?
    pokemon company is always been money oriented, even their console game is always released as 2 or 3 different package of same copy of incomplete game, is that even makes sense, even till now there no 1 pokemon game that give you all pokemon in 1 game
    not to mention their mobile release, pokemon go,pokemon ex is gacha game,etc etc the monetization is more disgusting
    nft is just another way they making money, eventho theres no real decent 'game' in nft space so far, big company enter the space is always welcome
    as long as the game decent,nft or not didnt matter

  6. I mentioned this in the twitter thread but the second they pull nft shit then I’m pulling the plug on Pokémon entirely. Same as I did with square enix after what they pulled. Nostalgia isn’t strong enough to make me give this stuff money.
    Regarding your point about people coming at you for covering the games I always say don’t shoot the messenger, it’s not like you where telling people to drop all their money on scams.

  7. With this new news, I firmly have to say that this NFT integration is most likely the cause of the current save data corruption within Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
    All I have to say is that I don't know that much bought NFTs to fully weigh in one way or other. But from what I do know, I'm against this idea.
    As above all else tangible ownership is king, and when you give that up that idea or even mindset you lose true ownership.

  8. I wonder if NFTs will kill Pokemon? That would be SOMETHING, huh? Or at least… put the franchise in danger if they're not careful.

    Seriously, I have NO idea what NFTs and Blockchains are but from what little I gathered I don't like it. It's so stupid…

    And with the Save Corruption bug from the recent patch… I can't be excited for Pokemon as much as before.

  9. Dropped pokemon entirely since swsh was such a huge game design desaster to me personally. Best desicion ever bc now im playing indie monster taming games wthat are much better and also i get 3 indie games to the price of 1 pokemon game and most of the indie games seperately still give me twice as much play value as swsh did lol. And whenever i feel like playing something within the pokemon universe i just play fangames. There is SO MANY. Rly big ones just came out recently

  10. Xenoscape Online was an NFT game when its development started. From my experience there is nothing that a blockchain can do that cant be made easier just using a database.. One of the ideas when it was going to have NFTs was to have the characters as NFTs and allow them to be traded and sold whatever. The real issue with this is that its expensive as hell, slow, and its not like this has to be done on a block chain. if i store characters in a classic database and want to preform trades i can do that quite easily. A lot of the NFT development is strictly driven by greed and empty promises. People talk a lot about "Ownership" and how people like "Own" their characters and items. Owning an NFT is no different than owning a item on a database. The illusion is that a blockchain is the future and provides all these massive benefits. I would argue that blockchain tech has made no innovation over a classic database and 99% does the same thing in a more complicated and expensive way. This in turn raises the price for the developer and the players. NFTs have really innovated on nothing its a worse way of tracking data thats insanely expensive and backed by a horde of dumbasses who will die before they realize they wasted so much time and money

  11. For me, it depends what they use it for. There’s a LOT of aspects of the Pokemon franchise that I already ignore.
    I mostly focus on the main games.
    If they keep it out of the main games, or keep it on the mobile game aspect, then Im fine I dont care. And I dont care if my patronage of the main games contributes to them continuing it, long as it stays TF out if the main games. If the main games get stupid micro transactiony like the mobile space, i will drop the franchise altogether, no issue im not gonna be cornered into micro transaction NFT BS.
    I will keep the pokemon I already have in Home or in my save files as trophies and memories And will just not buy/play anything that includes predatory monetization stuff. I dabbled in PoGo a BIT on and off but I can never enjoy it, its a means to an end on the rare occasion they force me to play it to get something in the main game, but if i have to pay to do it, i go without
    Im not gonna “feed quarters” for stupid stuff that should be obtainable via regular gameplay

    My fandom is hanging on by a thread and growing increasingly disinterested. If this shit starts invading the main games, im out, no regrets

  12. I feel like inputting NFT into your games as a company isn't done out of a desire to get another source of market, but them companies lacking quality and trying to make up on that with this.

    Look at the current Pokémon games again, even if you are a (self-proclaimed) most hardcore Pokémon supporter since the creation of the universe, can you really say that they have enough passion left for their games?

    If this goes through, then the quality will simply dip even further than it did with S/V, even if you think it's not possible. As long as they can get money from it, it will happen.

  13. Lifelong Pokemon lover and NFT hater here. I would stop buying Pokemon games or playing any version that might look good for them (i.e. previous switch releases or mobile games). Like many other people, SV were a huge bummer to me, especially after the promising direction of Legends. I have been far more interested in indie monster tamers and the different ways they enhance and experiment with the classic Pokemon foundation. Pokemon just feels more corporate with each passing year, and NFTs would be the final nail in the coffin for me.


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