Players are MAD at Blizzard! …AGAIN!

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00:00 Intro
02:05 Medic Brigitte Skin Drama
04:39 DPS Role Passive Explained
06:13 Mercy Movement Changes
07:44 NEW MAP Paraíso Review
09:36 Symmetra Support Rework Pls
12:34 Beta 2.0 & Queue Time Concerns

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38 thoughts on “Players are MAD at Blizzard! …AGAIN!”

  1. Im sorry but im a big xqc fan been supporting him for well over 4 years now probably more idk so maybe im being biased but he put in so much time into overwatch he still higher level than most overwatch streamers today. I think its well deserved

  2. I really don't understand blizzard, they said the second beta was going to have a larger population size but in the first beta there were so many more ways to guarantee access, like the twitch drops or the random drops from the owl. Them linking it with the watchpoint pack just feels scummy, "pay $40 to get access for the beta for 3 weeks and some content for a game coming out in 3 months)"

  3. You sound defensive about the streamer things. You try to spread positivity all around, but honestly, it sounds a little off to me. I still like you and your content overall, but I don't know if I entirely agree with what you said.

  4. Personally I think a lot of these issues are people whining about not very significant things. Yes the mercy and sym changes suck, but it's just a beta and all of these are open to future change. I think it's perfectly healthy to say "Hey I don't like this" but it has to be done more constructively than I've seen a lot of ppl do, not just saying "Fuck you blizz this sucks". Although the fact smaller streamers weren't able to receive the subs for the brig skin is unfortunate, every streamer on the list probably has to be "vetted" to make sure promoting them is not detrimental to the brand, and the more streamers (particularly small ones who are unknown factors, they have less to lose by saying something abhorrent as they only have a small audience) there are the more difficult it is to moderate. Queue times and support situation rn, suck it up its a beta, ppl are playing tank and dps coz there's new toys and when support gets new toys ppl will start playing support again. "Paid access to the beta" well, the pack contained 2000 currency (estimate €20 worth of it), the first season of the battle pass (usually 1000 currency so €10) and 2 legendary skins. If you price the skins at €5 each, that's the €40 the pack cost AND you get beta access, it was an excellent deal, not just paid beta access. Everyone will get their turn in the beta and the ppl complaining definitely wouldn't be complaining if they were some of the select few who got in by raffle on the opening day. And just in general in terms of paid things, if ppl complain about having skins behind a pay wall in the future I'd like them to go and educate themselves on why businesses need money because they seem to not realise they do and that our OW1 model now that nobody buys the game makes blizz 0 money

  5. I'm not really mad about anything. The Mercy change sucks though. So annoying to play now. And I was happy to support a streamer who has been playing OW for years, every day. They deserve it even if they are a " big streamer". Doesn't mean they don't deserve it. As far as the beta goes, you just need to be patient and you will get access. Don't blame everyone else because you don't have patience. I paid the 40 bucks because I knew I was going to buy battle passes in the future anyway. I basically prepaid for those and got to join the beta. I don't see how that's a bad thing. If you can't afford it, then just wait. I've been there. It sucks, but you'll get to play in a few days.

  6. Honestly, the issue of this whole thing tells me the problem with content creating these days: Yall don't wanna help the little guy. Instead of sharing the said views, you act like asking for help or some leniency is like asking for cheat sheets on a test there Professor. I'm not gonna get that much heated but I am gonna say one thing: If you used previous experiences to recreate the same formula of success, you will have smaller amounts of said success.

  7. In my experience being a tier 3 sub for multiple people on twitch, it's not worth it. Streamers never seem to actually care about their audience or wanting to control their mods who power trip. Most of them with a large audience barely even pay attention to their chat or mods. That's why I don't do it anymore. You are better off just watching for free and staying away from the chat. Paying them does nothing.

  8. I'm mad at no competitive mode again => another unenjoyable beta with 1st timers are fucking matched with GM players again etc. I can't test shit like this, unplayable chaotic matches. Can't wait for Multiversus to come out soon, because I'll only enjoy OW with comp, balanced matches, as it's supposed to be played.

  9. For Support Sym
    Give her back 6 turrets. 3 for Damage and 3 for healing
    Get rid of her ult, there's no need for a massive shield like that in OW2
    I like her teleport but not sure what they can really do differently with that

  10. Just remove the super jump in general, it’s a bug that should have been patched the moment it was discovered. And yet blizzard have let mercy mains abuse this bug for years.

  11. Honestly, this video came off as you white knighting for blizzard. I understand they want more on twitch and they want the big names streaming it but only rewarding certain streamers is just a rich get richer scenario. It hurts the viewership of the smaller creators as people will be watching the ones on the list and stops the people that could really benefit from subs getting them and just shovels more money into the pockets of millionaires like xqc and also directly to bezos himself.
    Also, even if the mercy changes are "stronger" they feel TERRIBLE to play! Making it a more approachable piece of tech is basically inevitable, and I'm okay with that, but this is just not the way to do it! It needs to become optional or able to be cancelled.

  12. Dude because Blizzard has just been a fucking cash grab company. I remember for years people would always say new mmos that came out were the WoW killer, but really in the end the company that created the game itself was indeed the WoW killer nobody even plays on the alliance anymore because they just neglected the game and said hey here's WoW Classic. I know reading this you're probably like how is this relevant. Well it's very relevant due to the fact that they just move on to the next project rather than FIX the current one

  13. Okay hi, Mercy main here! So the rapid bouncing up and down like that is just a bug. Like, and ACTUAL bug. If you cancel at the right time it doesn't go on cooldown so you can just spam it. This was NOT intended and should get patched out. Mercy's GA change is JUST strictly worse. You have less control and less skill involved. And we're NOT mad that Mercy players who didn't know how to superjump get to superjump now. How petty do you think we are? What we ARE mad about is that the Devs keep making WORSE versions of GA when that's the ONE GOOD THING about Mercy's kit, and they're wasting ALL their time and attention trying to fix something that's not broken instead of making adjustments to LITERALLY ANY OTHER PART OF HER KIT that DESPERATELY needs updating to fit in with OW2 to give her more agency and impact.

  14. with mercy it's also accidentally jumping when you're shifting close to a teammate or a teammate obscuring ur intended target, having to cancel it instead of proactively deciding to do it, and being forced to do it in tight spaces

  15. Support is just suffering from not having any new hotness. Personally I think they all play fine for the most part, like DPS that can also heal, and things will balance out once the hype dies down for the new stuff.


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