Playable NPC Trainer Class Unit?? Sightseer & Sandslash Kit First Impressions! | Pokemon Masters EX

Video Title: Playable NPC Trainer Class Unit?? Sightseer & Sandslash Kit First Impressions! | Pokemon Masters EX

Going over the new Naomi & Sandslash probably F2P unit’s kit in Pokemon Masters EX!

*Remember, Datamined info is not official or 100% accurate, it can change at any time!

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47 thoughts on “Playable NPC Trainer Class Unit?? Sightseer & Sandslash Kit First Impressions! | Pokemon Masters EX”

  1. Yeah i do think they can start chilling on Ground types. As for Fairy i think we just need Fairy Zone tbh. A spotlight fairy zone setter like Courtney might be nice. What we really need are more normal types!! We are lacking good units for Normal weak stages.

  2. This month feels like DeNA's apology for making SS Serena not a ground-type and SS Giovani not a poison-type (even though ground is totally okay for him anyway). There are decent options for ground-types and poison-types now. Some of them aren't that great but at least newer players will be able to have something to use as a stepping stone while they don't have decent ground/poison gacha units yet.

  3. I don't know why but I'm more hyped by this duo than ash&Pikachu. I mean, just imagine if they continue adding theses trainer class duo, it could be awesome!

  4. I would have liked if you were able to switch out the eggmon trainer with an NPC model. Just give their model a name and boom you have something similar to all the stuff in the main series with the models for online battling. All the voice lines are already in game for the NPCs for all situations (even events) so I don’t see why a simple model swap or main character outfit customizer hasn’t come out yet.

  5. Sightseer is fine, but I hope they give specific ones in the future, like I've been asking for Joey and Ratata since… 2020 April for an April Fools Day character, Charles the Heartbreaker and Karate King are some other notable ones, and KK has already been in the game during the Tyrogue event last month, he's a previous gym leader, why not make playable.

    Woops my bad got impatient, cool she has a name, and Naomi is a good name.

  6. HOLY CRAP, IRONIC CHARACTER UNIRONICALLY SUPER STRONG, even bigger stab in the butt for Landorus sadly (why DENA why all I could ask for is decent bulk and sandstorm support because I don't have Excadrill).


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