Plato To Pythagoras: How The Ancient Greeks Created Our World | The First World | Odyssey

The influence of Ancient Greece’s greatest thinkers has had an enormous effect on how we perceive the world today. From the fundamentals of mathematics to thought experiments that help us comprehend our modern reality, it all began with the Greeks.

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20 thoughts on “Plato To Pythagoras: How The Ancient Greeks Created Our World | The First World | Odyssey”

  1. Very misleading… "Pythagorean" triples were found on Babylonian tablets and before that about 25,000 BC in the congo, the Ishango bone. It shows evidence of multiplication similar to the math found in Ancient Egypt.
    The Ancient Greeks were a great civilization but "everything's a remix" they borrowed from those before them.

  2. This documentary is old and disseminates outdated ideas. The theorem supposedly discovered by Pythagoras was recorded in Cuneiform writing on a clay tablet made 1000 years before that philosopher. We owe modernity more to the Babylonians than to the Greeks.

  3. More than likely they are just records that survive and mathematics is much older. Already a cuniform tablet has come to light that the Sumerians knew of the 'Pythagoras' rule a millennium before

  4. @Odyssey Regretfully, because of YouTube's ban on ad blockers, I shall be cancelling all my subscriptions on the service and then closing my account. YouTube has become too big for its boots. When I first joined YT, there weren't any ads at all, but as the service grew it required more & more revenue. It's been nice while it lasted (many years, I'll admit), but the show's over now.

  5. The Ancient Egyptians had advanced mathematics thousands of years before the Greeks. They used advanced math to construct the pyramids with great precision.


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