Physicist Reacts to How We Could Build a Moon Base Today (ARTEMIS 1 SPECIAL)

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0:00 – Intro
1:47 – Kurzgesagt
15:55 – Story time




49 thoughts on “Physicist Reacts to How We Could Build a Moon Base Today (ARTEMIS 1 SPECIAL)”

  1. No its because there's too many stupid people in the world, it's because, as you said, we leapfrogged ahead of where we were at technologically, and are only now catching up to the point where it's feasible to attempt these things.

    You're supposed to be a man of science, try emoting less and using reason more.

  2. "I'm just sitting in judgement of a country I don't live in that's literally launching its most powerful rocket in an attempt to jumpstart a return to the moon while my country doesn't even have a space program worth mentioning and who lost a war to flightless birds, but I'm not judging you."

  3. 12:13
    This is why I love science and scientists. Its one of the few major fields where people can come together for a common cause. Not for profit nor power(unless we're speaking of nuclear fusion), but for utter human curiosity and fun. The fact that scientists around the world had this thought and came together and just said "let's crash a big spaceship into a big rock, for science " reinstores my hope for humanity.

  4. I don’t understand why elon is going to mars.😑 while the moon is still waiting to be conquered.

    Mars and the moon have relative issues.

    But the moon is so much closer and elon can create the 1st space station.

    Mars is too far and it’s not like u can travel whenever u want. U would have to wait for a specific time/date in which mars is closest to earth.

    For us that would be dec 8th making the trip only last 2 months.

    Vs a whole 7 month trip and this only happens every 2 years.

    While the moon is 2.5 days away so I’m case of a emergency u can still arrive in time.

    While mars….7 months 🤣

    Also why terraform mars? When we can’t even terraform the Sahara desert 🐪 🤣

    Baby steps

  5. If everything goes perfectly with Artemis 1 they are talking about humans on the moon by 2025

    As for why America was the top and is no longer that's simple. Corruption and rampant unregulated privatization. Most corps have no reason to innovate or fund R&D they only do as much as our goverment subsudizes. The rest goes to Ceo pockets, share holders, and politicians.

  6. The space vs Earth argument is a false argument. Why not do both? It's not a matter of money or resources. It's a matter of people caring. The fact is, the people who are making the space vs Earth argument ARE the problem. They're the reason why there is suffering and now they want to export that suffering to outer space. Nope. Just say no.

  7. Be real there are no aliens , space is longterm goal but not in most of our life times , maybe get it worked out here first . First world problem space is deadly and there really is little there . Gravity problem , radiation problem, solar problem , cost problem

  8. Sorry your history is poor, German tech went to the moon , now spacex is south African/ Canadian ( Elon Musk). China and Russia may well waste money doing the same but moon is only near by and mars is months away. Sci-fi is not reality, talk is cheap doing is a different level

  9. OK I will be a bit of a poop. First there is the idea or goal of sustainability or self sufficiency. This goal is very different when the Americas was settled vs the Moon or Mars. The amount of logistics and infrastructure and industry required today to do this is massive. You can argue that the US hasn't even achieved this goal. For example, how do you build a computer on the moon from scratch? The industry you need to build a CPU is massive. Now you can say that is obvious and they didn't mean truly self sufficient. But if you are planning to replace earth in the event of a global collapse then you need a colony with maybe 100 Million people. I have thought about colonizing planets outside our solar system if you could build a wormhole. And I think if I built a wormhole and found Earth 2, I would most likely colonize it with primitive societies. Like the Amish or villages from 3rd world countries. And that is with a wormhole big enough to drive a truck through. Part of this line of thinking is because I would want to keep the wormhole top secret and I would permanently close it and throw away the coords of the planet after. True independence to improve odds of humans surviving somewhere. Wormholes are dangerous. Any one person could put one end of a wormhole in the center of the sun and we would all be dead. A black ball technology if there is one. The second issue I have with colonization is population growth. There are many biologists speculating that an animal may not develop properly in low gravity. Babies could be deformed or blind etc. I'm not aware of any experiments they have done to date, or where the science is headed on this but it seems like a very legitimate concern. Something that could poo poo alot of dreams and aspirations of colonizing space. Unless we build O'neill cylinders in space. I actually did the math on what a cylinder would be like that is the sq. surface area of Manhattan NY. I built the city in the inner cylinder, Industry in the middle cylinder, and farmland in the outer cylinder. Turns out it would only do 1 rotation every 80 seconds approximately to produce 1g. The only issue would be the Coriolis effect that would mess with any football games and give some people headaches. Maybe. Anyway, fun to think about.

  10. That's assuming we'd be motivated to reach the stars with the absence of religion. That's not a certainty. Climate Change for example has become increasingly hostile to space exploration. The assumption is space is dead, pointless, and fossil fuel burning rockets are bad for the environment.

  11. america has become occupied with policy recently. were frantic about our rights here on earth and other local issues while the rich tend to keep the poor occupied with cheap media and fun games.
    basically were kinda dumbing ourselves down and going through a process of recession in terms of societal growth and composure.
    i think if a country wants to become a worldly leader ahead of the united states the spot is opening up if there wasnt one before. meanwhile america is kinda just chillin focused on the little things.
    thats what i get out of our situation at least.

  12. im not sure how i feel about mars tbh or even the moon but i do think its a risk worth taking to go to the moon for a colony to grow. we live to survive and continue on. consciousness and awareness enables this drive in us to push us to some pretty far extremes. going to live on the moon is extreme for us right now but its also a necessary step for humanity to take if we want to take part in cosmic activities in the future.
    im excited to see what comes of this and i have high hopes for us.

  13. Religious people are reason why american gonna lose. sometimes freedom is not a option because if you let stupid people do stupid thing just because of freedom they gonna fked everything up

  14. Offtopic: i realized what the lucifer project on mars is. Its the killing of imagination. My guess is mars finally figured out all of the universes secrets and when people were forced to accept that the universe is a certain way then people sort of became slaves to the one true way of the universal laws. Scientists invented a nifty trick of "uncertainty" which i find interesting as it allows room for speculation. But where theres no room left to imagine anything new at all i wonder what kind of reaction normal people might have who had nothing to do with hardcore science.
    I dont want to kill my imagination. I like this thing.

  15. Lmao, capitalism is too concerned with short term profits. The Soviet Union jumped us into the space age and that was when it was already in decline. It wasn't even anywhere near the US in terms of economic output at the time either and they were able to accomplish amazing feats of innovation. Imagine the amazing feats we could accomplish if we created a socialist world economy were the unemployed and all the brains born in poverty had a chance at education and were given opportunities. Where people who work in useless jobs, unproductive sectors of economy, and areas that could be automated were instead allowed to take academic pursuits and explore their curiosities and passions free from the fear of imposed starvation and forced labor. A world where we don't hinder our own progress due to seeking short term profits. A world where it's a good thing to have too many resources rather than an unprofitable oversupply because then everyone gets stuff for cheap rather than shortages being created to drive up profits.

  16. Because you asked. The US is run by oligarchs. The ultra rich. Literally like Elon Musk. They don't want a moon base or anything like that. They want to keep resources in short supply, their stock prices high, and their profits massive. They don't care about things that would create an abundance of resources or anything like that.
    A moon based makes no sense to a capitalist. If you are a Marxist you understand perfectly the obstacles to progress. It's capitalism. The private ownership of the means of production. Resulting in a concentration of power which undermines democracy. Most Americans agree what needs to be done, they agree, but the people in power, the oil companies etc don't want anything to do with what the people want. Solving problems isn't profitable, US capitalism has reached its limit.
    China is still capitalist, but it's a different kind of capitalism. They can actually controll their billionaires when they get out of hand. Eventually China will reach the same roadblocks the US is though. And the inevitable struggle between the rising power and the declining power will result in a massive loss of progress.

  17. Dylan Ive got a question not based to this video but time travel …SO my friend came up with this theory not me …He's saying that travelling back in time basically means travelling into an alternate reality where the events of that reality is same as the original reality ….It would make sense basing it on the grandfather paradox..What are your thoughts on this ..Thought Id ask a real physicist about this since your the only one I admire. Hope you see this

  18. When you really think about it a lot of where we are technologically is thanks to a science and military relationship. Of course this is unfortunate.

    It’s a shame we all can’t get along and strive for excellence and discovery. We are after all one people and one world.

    I agree with you we should be all getting along and striving for a better tomorrow.

    Not sure if you’ve done one yet but you should do a video on Neurolink or the Australian one forget the company. Is it our next step in evolution? Is there a line? Should we cross it?

  19. Kerbal Space Program made lot of staff for NASA so at least that's something. Students inspired by KSP studied it later and became fully fledged engineers!

  20. Great video! When I was little kid, when I first learnt that the reason for us not sending more spaceships to space and to Mars for example is that it cost much, I was honestly surprised to hear that. How come it cost money, don't we want to do that? If people have just enough to live their lives, why wouldn't they won't to focus their work and efforts to colonizing and exploring space? I still don't fully understand that. It seems, that humanity isn't composed mostly of these curious, clever and adventurous individuals that we see on Star Trek for example, but rather of greedy, money and power hungry people, who only care to live in luxury and pleasures, instead of explore the secrets of the universe.

  21. We can’t. Look let’s be really honest we can’t even figure out living on Mars in .33ish Earth gravity, no one will be staying on the Moon’’s 0.16 Earth gravity for very long at a time. Babies won’t form correctly in less than 1 Earth G, we will likely never call any planet with less gravity home. Once you get past the surfacism however, the upper nitrogen layer of Venusian skies offer a comfortable 1G mid 70’s temp home on blimp technology we have right now.

  22. The USA is too busy imposing rules over women’s bodies for no other reason than egotistical ideals and to pump out slaves. The brain drain in the US is gonna be brutal, hell it might already be happening

  23. In response to your religion bashing, there has never been a point in history where if not for religion mankind could have made some great technological leap forward. Religion didn't burn the Library of Alexandria nor did it burn the Library of Baghdad. While it's easy to look at the many wars fought in the name of religion we must also remember war both potential and actual are and have always been one of the greatest motivators of technological growth. We could also look at the many killed for religious conquest but at the same time the spread of religious territory facilitated the spread of ideas and knowledge to fill those libraries, in effect travellers didn't need to walk all the way to India to learn Hindu-Arabic numbers, the spread of Islam brought it to them.
    Then there's the downfall of Rome and how after their territory broke up it was the Church collecting books and teaching monks to read and write for centuries, a practice which extended into the development of Cathedral schools in the middle ages – schools which served as the prototype for our modern universities. If you google whether religion held back science there will be plenty of articles arguing it did using the Galileo affair as proof but it's important to know Galileo's heliocentric views got him placed under house arrest but his students continued to study and push heliocentrism. Even in the face of religious persecution, the advances of science couldn't be held back, telescopes were now common enough to ensure it.
    In short, the Dark Ages never existed, religion was the guiding structure unifying people and unified people are productive people.


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