Pfizer Sued, Newsom Bans Smartphones, Death of Cable & Boeing Senate Hearing | PBD Podcast | Ep 427

Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth, and Adam Sosnick cover the biggest stories in business, politics, current events, and more!

00:00 – Show intro
04:39 – PBD announces the new VT 4th of July Merch –
07:24 – Kansas sues Pfizer over ‘misrepresentations’ and ‘adverse events’ of COVID-19 vaccine.
28:31 – Kevin O’Leary explains why restaurants are shuttering across America — and why more will follow.
42:21 – More retirees consider returning to work as high inflation squeezes
53:52 – The importance of fathers in their children’s lives.
1:02:01 – Gavin Newsom wants to take smartphones out of schools.
1:10:26 – Luxury real estate world rocked by rape allegations against star broker.
1:28:53 – Money can’t buy happiness—it’s actually the other way around: Happy people ‘are more successful in life,’ expert says
1:40:05 – Pay TV is in so much trouble that even its one bright spot is dimming.
1:48:45 – Boeing CEO apologizes to families of crash victims at Senate hearing.
2:02:38 – MSNBC analyst suggests black voters shifting to Trump because of ‘Disinformation.’
2:14:29 – Trump encourages voters to write ‘no tax on tips’ on restaurant receipts.

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


30 thoughts on “Pfizer Sued, Newsom Bans Smartphones, Death of Cable & Boeing Senate Hearing | PBD Podcast | Ep 427”

  1. One thing worth noting about Newsom and smart phones. Where is most of the alternative media consumed? Where is the "misinformation" spread? Its just another ploy to keep us and our future generations in the dark. Think about it.

  2. I get what Adam is saying , about quick , cheap.. BUT, if it weren’t for warp speed we would STILL be in lockdown.. the local, state, and many leaders would have put those of us who did NOT take the jab would be in prison or dead. Trump seems to be the ONLY person in our government or media etc.. who never wanted the jab FORCED.. he wanted businesses , and SCHOOLS OPEN.. he was talking about HCQ and Ivermectin.. Fauci and the media , pharmaceutical industry DELIBERATELY discounted them because they wanted authorization for vaccines.

  3. Adam is a fool………….Vinny is "passionate"…..BOTH can come across as foolish!! JUST BECAUSE Vinny RANTS doesnt make him any smart than Adam. They need to have a kindergarten/Jr High Podcast…………..that is where each of them are at maturity wise. I either take a deep breath or roll my eyes when EITHER one of them spout off

  4. And yet, I’m 70 yrs old and was guilt tripped into the jab to protect my seriously ill friend for whom I was her only connection to the outside world. Had it not been for the fact that I was the only human contact she had during that time I would NOT have taken the jab!

  5. Bam! You guys rocked this podcast! I cannot tell you how inspiring this episode is! The segment on the ceiling rocked! So say I, Glenn Allan Maxwell, husband, father, and proud veteran!

  6. Gavin NewScum the Lizardman is doing all sorts of "cool" things to start "turning America around" like trying to take phones out of schools. Like he CARES! SO HE CAN BRAINWASH AMERICA TO ELECT HIM AS THE SAVIOR PRESIDENT!! WHAT A JOKE!!!!

  7. Realistically, Trump could grab 12% of black vote…that would be huge for Trump in a close race, which it will be.
    Let's not get carried away with this "Trump will get 15-20% of black vote"…not realistic

  8. the future looks bright ?
    which satanic book have you been reading –
    the bible says that the future is here and the entire creation is going through turmoil as in birth pangs – with all manner of meteorological catastrophes –
    there will be so much turmoil that people will be overwhelmed with fear and their hearts will fail them – ( now that many are mrna damaged – it will be quite prevalent )

    and you guys sit there with your big bank accounts trying to pretend that it will all be ok

    you are blind – leading the blind

  9. Jesus talked about people who were happy – and people who were proud
    – all the happy people were the ones who attributed everything good to be a gift from God
    – all the proud people said Jesus should be killed

    do you know why there are no humble attitudes in these broadcasts from hearts who attribute all good things to be gifts from God ?
    do you wonder why God is just a name to flash around in between curse words ?

    it is because they are all too proud to be humbled by a lowly servant named Jesus Christ – God is just a tool in their arsenal – to use when it assist their achieving their most prized goal of being proud of themselves

    but they will fall to the ground and beg for forgiveness when judgement day arrives – and their arrogant facade will be stripped from their faces as they realize – they never new Him and He never knew them
    repent or perish

  10. The happiest I have been has been when I was working with other people who I liked and trusted working towards a difficult goal together. Everyone up to their eyeballs in mud and getting there in the end.

  11. Just FYI I would like to inform you that there was a so called warp speed program to distribute the so called vaccines very fast!!! If this panel would have done their research on this subject they would have known the jabs were made a long time ago because they planned this plandemic many decades ago!!! They have advanced technology and techniques to be able to do so. So do NOT be fooled by this warp speed propaganda. The evil doers, the ones at the top, have known this for a long time

  12. Thank you, Adam ! This is exactly why America is F*cked up! Because they are SOooooo blinded by the parties, that when 1 side does something good, the other side won't recognize it🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ come on now


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