Peter Dutton accuses Anthony Albanese of ‘destroying the economy’ over net zero

Sky News host Sharri Markson says Opposition Leader Peter Dutton slammed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over “destroying the economy” trying to meet net zero emissions targets.

“With that climate change topic, we saw today Peter Dutton accusing the Prime Minister of destroying the economy,” Ms Markson said.

“While trying to meet net zero targets.”


37 thoughts on “Peter Dutton accuses Anthony Albanese of ‘destroying the economy’ over net zero”

  1. We know ‘climate change’ is a myth. It simply isn’t true.
    The REAL disaster on earth is GLYPHOSATE, the active ingredient in Roundup, the heinous weed killer “that causes cancers’ and a deadly retinue of other devastating illnesses ! Monsanto manipulated the science, defrauded regulators, bribed prominent researchers, transformed the US EPA pesticide division into a cesspool of corruption, and promoted propaganda worldwide, systematically lying to the public that the deadly pesticide was safe. This company injured public health, destroyed our soils, exterminated species, wiped out small farmers and deprived the public of their fundamental civil right of informed consent. Monsanto made a special project of discrediting and destroying scientists, advocates, and reformers who exposed its corrupt cover-up. Among the most prominent of these was heroic MIT researcher Dr Stephanie Seneff PhD”…..-/ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

  2. Albanese, you've well & truly had your chance and
    Blown it…repeatedly lies & spin
    The green scam & Ev s

    You're killing businesses or they are going offshore to survive .
    Small businesses going bust.
    The small country town i live in,
    Lots of empty buildings that were small businesses gone bust.
    Albanese, you & Labor are a discrace.

  3. My vote will never ever go to a party that does agree with the climate change lies.
    Our earth is now screaming for relief from these bastards and their destructive works.
    Our earth needs every bit of caron it can get…not the other way.
    We have polluted our skies and soils and vegetation is being starved and destroyed.

  4. "Destroying" , no actually the prefered word is "Destroyed". This Elma Fudd albo sounds like a cat with its nuts stuck in the picket fence….its a whinning, moaning, butch woman like sound.

  5. They can reduce the CO2 emissions levels as low as they like, and it won't make any difference to the climate one way or the other, the planet needs CO2 for the trees, and for all kinds of vegetation, there is no such thing as too much CO2 emission". Zero emissions mean, Zero forests and Zero Jobs, also, higher electricity prices, and higher cost of living, just to name a few disasters that Zero CO2 missions will achieve"… Alanese and Chris Bowen need to be sacked yesterday.

  6. The main reason for the Higher inflation rate, not just in Australia, but globally, is renewables.
    The renewable industry in Australia has destroyed just about every secure and highly-paid Job that the Fossil fuels industry once provided. The huge increase in youth crime can also be blamed on the renewable industry for destroying all the good jobs that once existed, and now young people can't get a job when they leave school so they turn to drugs and crime. Politicians such as Albanese and Chris Bowen, are using climate change for their own political advantage.

  7. Dutton never said anything obout basically anything through the whole of covid but all of a sudden he starts challenging everything..come on these turkeys are on the same side , dont be fooled by these idiots.

  8. Look it all good fighting over this but be told there more than bloody net zero people are really suffering and don’t get sick I blame both parties but I’d pick Dutton and one nation green and Labor last

  9. Isn't it great to hear transparent and sensible response from a former Labor senator. Well done Mr. Richardson Mr. Albanese would be wise to listen to your comments and show leadership but his ego won't let him.

  10. Would not want to go back to a Government that put the country in a mess. People forget the mess they left . Lets keep destroying the climate which will hurt a lot more people in relation to fires and floods. Wake up people. Sky News lol

  11. Albo stuff your 2030 target .. youre giving yourself, your party, your bureaucrats and/or any of your other cronies ridiculous salaries and pay rises while the rest of us face a financial crisis .. and you dont care.
    Vote all Labor out everywhere and forever and never allow them to divide and hurt us without remorse ever again.

  12. we don't need anyone to tell us that Australia is being damaged under the joke of a government, so many Australians will never recover from this Labor party, it will take the liberals ten years to bring us back out of the Labor made rabbit hole.


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