Pet mayhem escapades

True story. I once thought it was a cute idea to have a pretty glass jar to put the dog treats in. The day before he had gotten chocolate off the counter. 🙃 The jar was heavy, but I was afraid of Simba getting on the counter and knocking it off. So, I decided it was a great idea to put the jar on top of the fridge when we left the house.

We came home 30 minutes later to shattered glass covering our kitchen floor- and not just a few broken pieces, I mean splinters and slivers of glass everywhere… and not a single treat to be found. Max had apparently climbed on top of the fridge and knocked it onto the counter where it exploded and went everywhere.

Emergency vet calls and visits later they were both fine and were able to safely pass any of the possible small fragments they licked up with the treats. One of the most stressful nights of my life. So learn from my mistake. Don’t buy a glass treat jar.🫙😳

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