Perils & riddles of Red Sea, Suez & ‘Gate of Grief’: What do Houthis want & what can India do

#CutTheClutter #RedSea #Houthis
The Red Sea, which lies between Africa and Asia, has been in the news lately over attacks on commercial ships, including one bound for India, with the Navy deploying four warships in the Arabian Sea as a deterrent. In Ep 1375 of Cut The Clutter, Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta explains what exactly is happening in the Red Sea, and why the attacks have the world worried.

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41 thoughts on “Perils & riddles of Red Sea, Suez & ‘Gate of Grief’: What do Houthis want & what can India do”

  1. Biggest lie is you can't choose your neighbors. Well well choose China as our neighbor instead of Tibbet in 1954. We choose Bangladesh as our neighbor instead of East Pakistan. You can choose your neighbor. And only thing requires for this choice is strength or power.

  2. India seems well on its way to $10 Trillion GDP in the near future. Dirty tricks department of USA has swung into action, foisting a war on India will derail India's rise.With Pakistan, donning the usual role of being an "Useful idiot" for a few alms from Uncle Sam.The same Dirty tricks department is fighting the regime change battle in India and Bangladesh.

  3. Sg, fantastic. it’s like masaimara shipping lanes for wild beasts Lions at one end and the Crocodiles at the other end, you choose who’s lion and who’s crocodile 😅
    Sg Need to understand, India’s oil and gas is from a relatively safe zone on the eastern front of Middle East countries Qatar Iran Oman Kuwait Iraq Bahrain UAE Saudi and becomes that much more easier to patrol. The problem is for the western nations to ship across Red Sea into suez to Mediterranean Sea passing Sudan, Somalia, Yemen

  4. Sir but Bharat can learn alot from Russia Ukraine war, the lesser equipped one who used resouses in non linerar way (unmanned aerial vehicle) caused condiderable deterence to russia in black sea in sevasto pol

  5. SG. I hope you have obtained adequate name,fame,wealth,leisure tavels across the globe under congress regime and satisfied about it. it is right time to support Modi ji for 2024 polls keeping national interest in mind. trust you won't make any CTC with fancy titles of "how to defeat Modi…" and beginning 1.1.24 all your CTC will be unbiased. that itself is more than sufficient that your subscribers look forward to

  6. Aacha huva Modi ne tum log ko main stream se durr he rakha hai… Bolta hai Hamas is an Iranina Proxy… Dude Hamas is supported by Iran. Iran supports most of the islamic Jihad and Hamas was not founded by Iranian or inderictly by Iran.. It was and it is by palastine for Palastine. Aaj se toh Gandu tujhe nahie dekhunga… tujh se aacha hai news he na dekhu…

  7. Labelling Hamas an Iranian proxy, the group that is fighting the illegal occupation of their land since 1987 is very naïve way of looking at things and no words whatsoever on why Houthis are doing this, surely they are not mad. They have stated that their target is Israeli ships and those ships which are bound towards Israel in response to their genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza.

  8. Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a senior Houthi official, said in a post on X on Tuesday.
    The Houthis would only halt their attacks if Israel’s “crimes in Gaza stop and food, medicines and fuel are allowed to reach its besieged population”, al-Bukhaiti said.

  9. Extremely biased pro Western perspective. Not once is the Israeli genocide of Gaza mentioned as the root cause of the problem. Instead of sending warships, forcing Israel to stop the genocide will solve the problem. But this guy is an Islamophobe who likes it when Israel kills Muslim children and civilians. What a disgusting human being this pathetic excuse of a man is.

  10. I have always considered this man to be a tool of the Western imperialists. Had the British been in power in India, he would have sided with the White Man against Indians because he would get a higher pay from the White Man. He has no morals or principles, money is his only motivation..

  11. If this Iranian Frigate sent to the Red Sea, either tries to take on the US Navy Warship directly, or tries to stop and board international commercial shipping vessels, the Americans and Allies are protecting, or tris to defend the Houthis attacking an international commercial shipping vessel too.

    The outcome for this Iranian Frigate will be the same, also the Americans and her allies too, would see it as an open act of war by Iran in basically international waters, to try and stop international commercial shipping and world trade too.

    Along with this Iranian Frigate could find itself now going up against Indian, or French, or British Warships, or other International partners of Americans too. What will Iran do then, open fire on other nations Warships as well as the American Warships too?

    If Iranian Regime wants to start an open international naval war, that may start in the Red and then over flowing in to the Gulf of Aden, plus expand into the Arabian Sea and across all of the Northern Western Indian Ocean very quickly too.

    Even land up reaching all the way back into the Persian Gulf too, between Iran against not just the Americans but her Nato and Western International Allies now too, the Iranians are making all the right mistakes to cause this happening.

    If Iran wants a proxy war in the Middle East, with Iran the major loser because neither Russia will come to Iran aid, the Russian just cannot afford too, with the Russia Ukraine war going on.

    Also what other Middle East or Asian countries, would join Iran in a major Naval and Air Force war against the Americans and her International Western Allies too?

    As for China getting involved, if that is what the Iranian Regime are hopping for or betting on, the Iranian Regime better think twice. China is not going to risk either middle East oil and LPG China needs, or risk third world war with the Americans and her allies, any more than Russia would to support Iran.

    Or openly go to war over supporting either the Houthis, Hamas or Hezbollah or any other Islamic Terrorist Group Iran is funding and supporting etc too.

    It is just not in the Chinese Political, Military, let alone Chinese world Trade and Financial interests, to allow a conflict in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, to stretch all the way to the South China Seas and the Pacific Ocean.

    The Chinese leaders will see Iran and her Islamic Terrorists which Iran supports and financial pay for mostly too, ARE JUST NOT THAT WORTH IT, to risk World War with the West and Americans, even Iranian Oil is not worth it either!


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