Percy to the Rescue – Retro Trainz Adaptation

This is my first Trainz video uploaded to THIS channel. I have made other Trainz videos on other now deleted channels, so I have prior experience to Trainz. I decided to remake one of the annual stories I am most nostalgic for: Percy to the Rescue. Why am I nostalgic for this? Well it very well could have been one of the first Trainz videos I ever watched on YouTube and it was a redub uploaded over ten years ago by user ‘NewController01.’ The video is still up if you want to watch it.

Anyway, I hope that you all have a good holiday and new year. Let’s make 2023 great.

*The Thomas model used is a recreation of the original “version 2.5” that is a Discord exclusive in the Dean Forest Works Trainz server. I do not actually own the original model.

**I forgot to credit MH1994 for the people figures in the video, so here is his credit instead.


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