People Reacting To The Passing Of Queen Elizabeth


27 thoughts on “People Reacting To The Passing Of Queen Elizabeth”

  1. Long and short,if she was serious,when she ascended the throne ,she should have started a repair and reversal of all the negative actions of her ancestors,but she did not ,instead she perpetuated more wrongs,black slave descendants owe her no sympathy or respect ,english people do,not scottish ,welsh nor english,i hope that there is really a place called hell ,causr when i get there i will be raising hell ,all yoi black people and other non white people that mourn her

  2. I will pray for them cause this is not right,they robbed and stole and killed people for what is theirs,all these years the colonies in financial trouble and she never lifted a finger to help,do not expect any change for the better,i see all kinds of idiots telling black people about honoring ,respecting and mourning a demon ,i put you in the same category,should have been hung long ago.

  3. She Did Not Take The GOLD And DIAMONDS With Her That She And Her Ancestors Stolen From AFRICA. No Is No Tears Her To Shade From The Hebrew Israelite Young Black People No Not One . I Have Never Seen A U-Haul Behind A HEARST. 🙏🏾📖💯💯💯💯💯

  4. I'm happy shes dead and I usually am sorry and sad when people die but not her she's evil princess diana talked about how they were not human princess diana didn't say their acts were not human she frantically in fear said that they were reptilian beings who eat children and people and this came from princess diana and my take on queen elizabeth dying is she just shed her skin and her flesh died and she probably is still alive and just got another flesh or skin and is walking around as her new image

  5. The queen was not white. She's the descendant of Cleopatra, king Solomon and jew. The husband was a jew also therefore I don't know where the white came from. There's no such of thing as white people. It's a way to diminish us and we continue letting them getting away with it. Just like they called black people African American like they don't belong here. They build America.

  6. Amen girl iam so glad you opened up people eyes!!… I already knew she evil she works beside the Illuminati's that's why idk understand that country 🤔🧐smfh..and they crying over Satan daughter smfh ..

  7. I was so excited I started dancing when I seen it on the news. The ancestors said the great whore of Babylon is falling and baby that dusty wig wearing old sick incest cannibal murderous ………..whore fell to her permanent death and never be put back together again. Now that’s off with her head and rest the royal family are next. That whole bloodline is doomed. What’s sad though, that these innocent children of her bloodline are caught in their ancestors passed and present crossfire. Sad didn’t even care about the well-being of her future generations. Oh yeah, I forgot I was talking about the Queen, she did the same to my ancestors generation. Why will her own be any different. Cold hearted snake!!! Game Over cause The real Kings and Queens that were killed and robbed of their kingdoms are back with a deathly vengeance. Now it’s time to reap the faith you giving to others.

  8. I agree with everyone in this video. But also, let’s not forget how QE gave ZERO Fs about Princess Diana’s unfortunate death. Although Princess Diana was blood related to the monarchy she was THE ONLY royal in that entire family!! Bye Queen…….🖕🏾


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