People Discovered a City on an Unknown Planet Where Guardians of Humanity Have Lived for 100000 Year

An elderly married couple can travel to another planet using a secret portal. The couple spend a long time watching the mesmerizing fantastic scenery, and then return home. But one day their serene life is disturbed by the appearance of a young stranger, whom the pensioners take for an alien.

Night Sky (TV Series 2022)

fantastic captain, movie recaps, movie recapped, movie recap, story recap, sci fi movies, movie


23 thoughts on “People Discovered a City on an Unknown Planet Where Guardians of Humanity Have Lived for 100000 Year”

  1. It was slower than molasses in January. I remember the trailers. It looks pretty good and by episode 4 it just kept dragging. It honestly didnt take that many episodes for the weak a plot.

  2. J K Simmons has a habit of picking interesting movies/series. Think the series had potential, although I kind of wish it had explored the relationship of the couple more, tried to cram a lot into a series, and it's a shame we won't get to see that in future series.

  3. Too bad this was canceled. Looks interesting. I really like when shows add older adults as main characters. We are all going to face age-related challenges and lives. It's an under-used angle.

  4. So no one is going to comment on the script written by Chat GPT? Please make slight modifications. It was too painful to hear ChatGPT's transition statements in every line of dialogue.


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