Patrick Bet-David | Club Random with Bill Maher

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The perfect episode for a football-less Sunday! Bill and Patrick Bet-David on Bill’s dinner with Warren Buffet, dementia and our leaders, Patrick’s military service, the woman who never met someone from Iran, what makes Salman Rushdie a great hang, Bill’s Real Time editorial that Patrick loves, the concept of bad versus worse, what would happen if a super bug hit society, what Bill learned during his summer in Geneva, Gavin Newsom’s Real Time appearance, Bill’s pretend wife’s name and how many pretend children they have, Bill’s Modest Proposal for a world crisis, and much, much more.

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40 thoughts on “Patrick Bet-David | Club Random with Bill Maher”

  1. This rose picture of Biden is being Blue team he has fk up royalty in mine and million of others feel the same way look at the protesting in the streets all over the world Bill.

  2. Patric is the man! Bill tried to goat him into a confrontation. Who asks someone what their net worth is? Bill also seemed irritated when Pat didn’t know what his major was or if he had kids. If you interview someone let them talk and maybe answer the questions. Pat showed just how much smarter he is. Also Bill kept assuming that he knew what Pat was going to say and was always completely wrong. May want to quit slamming your guests heritage.

  3. He did a good job….. Things are good….

    1. $700 avg increase in living expenses. Dont matternto Bill cuz hes rich, but be single mom whos not famous.
    2. Attacked the oil Industry, sparking horrid inflation.
    3. Shut the economy down for a year, further increasing inflation.
    4. Paid people more to stay at home than to work FURTHER exacerbating inflation.
    5. Afghanistan exit
    6. Ukraine blackmail
    7. Hunter/Joe bank accounts
    8. 10 million illegals over the OPEN border.
    9. Attempted vaccines mandates
    10. Mentally vacant

    Thats just 10 issues/decisions. He has NOT done a good job.

    Cherry on top? Poor hosting, pour your guest a drink you cheap son of a…. Petty debating on Bills part. Calling names and getting obviously angry? Either learn to controll yourself or stop drinking. Bill should have 1. Called Patrick and apologized. 2. Thanked Patrick for holding back, and dear God in heaven did he hold back! 3. Send Patrick a bottle of Tequila sinse you failed as a host to even pour your guest a drink.

  4. Bill's boozing is degenerating his intellect at an even more rapid rate, and it already has obliterated his tact and any sense of diplomacy, if Bill was ever diplomatic. Ten minutes in and Bill's a blabbering, ranting, cussing fool. He sees his own mouth talking nonsense, but has no control over it!
    PBD was kind, no generous to his host in debate, though he very effectively asserted his reasoned POVs, a true gentleman.
    Bill's desire to cull the population is an awful lot like an infamous satanic guy named Adolph's M.O.
    Liberals. Go figure!
    Bill's set design: Inspired by "Pee Wee's Playhouse".

  5. I left my birthplace, California, because I wanted my money to pay for my life, not all the illegals. Gavin has ruined it. Either he is stupid or plainly ignoring the shit show going on in once beautiful California. And Bill, I'm shocked to see the REAL BILL MAHER. 🤡

  6. I haven’t been against Bill until this interview I thought I understood his take until now DIDNT agree with his politics but he seemed better lately. Idk maybe his age IS SHOWING! Nut!

  7. Bill is an idiot and incredibly shallow. He loves to hear himself talk and he has nothing intelligent to say. He needs to get out of his insulated gated neighborhood and see how real people actually live. Gruesome Newsome has destroyed CA. Bill might not care but everyday people do.

  8. I beg you, friends of Bill, coworkers, anybody, Please tell him what are in these comments. I'm sure he is too arrogant to read them himself but perhaps if he knew thousands of people are consistently commenting/complaining of the exact same rude behaviors he might consider a bit self-scrutiny. I doubt anyone regardless of fame, wants to be seen as a self-centered, self-absorbed rude "host". This episode is not the best example of his sloshy, conversational narcissism but there should still be an adequate number of comments to bring the message home. Please, take one for the team.

  9. PBD is the worst nothing but a clown 🤡 that only worships MONEY and loves the sound of his own voice. Dude will get in his Knee's for Trump and Elon it's ridiculous. He also NEVER Fact Checks he only cares about Republicans NEVER calls their lies an bullshit out. He ONLY goes after the Left. And im glad ppl are waking up to his bullshit except in this comment section he has so many of you clowns fooled.

  10. Patrick is terrible guest. He keeps asking Bill stuff, and wants the spotlight off himself. Patrick likes to take dumb tangents. Doesn’t contribute actual facts and substance. Also, if Patrick is the guest, tell your audience why you invited him on and talk about that.

  11. PBD says he's Voting based on Values and doesn't wannabe told what to do by Force yet Republicans wanna tell Women what to do with their Bodies. PBD is the most condescending person I've ever seen pure hypocrisy with this guy.

  12. Bet-David’s argument is weak comparing Bush and trump is almost the same both are guilty of crimes against America and the Middle East.
    Trump has progressed to the point where every speech is about covering up the crimes he’s charged with and the lies every word out his mouth is a full lie or a kernel of truth and the rest lies. 💩🧠🦧

  13. I would caution against supporting a man who hates Children, and would like to participate in the depopulation of the human race. Those are truely repugnant and evil views. This is the guy who gets to sit around and criticize other peoples moral stances? Give me a break. I'm shocked that no one even zero'd in on that. As if wanting to depopulate the world and hating children is like liking your coffee a particular way.


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