Large Russian military power sitting on NATO's eastern border

Russia Ukraine war latest news update with (Ret.) Colonel Douglas Macgregor Col. Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a Defense and Foreign Policy consultant. Podcast with Natalie Brunell on April 13.


39 thoughts on “Large Russian military power sitting on NATO's eastern border”

  1. Ukrianians have elected extinction, all to appease NATO in the hopes of getting easy money. They provoked this and now they are paying the price.

  2. The dollar will always be legal tender in the US, the issue is the US may lose the ability to export the inflation created by over printing. The US government will be faced with raising taxes and cutting spending as the US loses its ability to export dollars in exchange for manufactured goods and commodities.

  3. Great Convo. I don't think Trump is the right guy now. I'm voting for Kennedy this time. Read his book "American Values" explains a lot about the Kennedys and very entertaining too.

  4. Close the border
    US ID required to vote – acquired via certified US birth certificate, Indian reservation ID or US Nationalization decree only
    Eliminate Birth Right Citizenship
    Make US benefits & welfare only for US Citizens
    Register& require yearly census of all refugees & deport all after the disaster's specified term
    Eliminate Congressional salaries & impose a 5 yr Term Limit with NO re-election
    Make lobbying a Federal offense

  5. Russia has failed in its initial mission and is now starting to bunker down to try to hold what they have. They're essentially spent for any kind of offensive movement.

  6. Blah blah blah… No disrespect but all this talk by both "sides" about a supposed truth. Is it a truth or is it all a kind of illusion? Perhaps I'm meditating too much but isn't all thoughts/concepts ie what you call the world. If i try to watch my mind in bed at night I see things outside. But I don't notice normally that they are images… Is it all images?

    Hillary Clinton, Brian Orr, Nellie Orr, James Comey, Robert Mueller, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page……. etc.

  8. Ukrainian war is existentiel for Russia for its safety, now because of the dedolarisation accelerated by the Nato economic sanctions this conflict is existentiel also for usa = no diplomatic issue ?

  9. We MUST ELIMINATE LOBBYISTS from POLITICS. As the founders said:
    The republic may survive until the government begins BRIBING PEOPLE w THE PEOPLE'S MONEY.

  10. ♥ Полная заслуга Макгрегора в том, что он втянул Путина в войну, которую ему не выиграть.

    Продолжайте врать, потому что в Украине еще сотни тысяч русских, которые могут быть убиты, ранены или превращены в военнопленных.♥♥♥

  11. I like Col. Macgregor's analysis in the geo-political sense, but his embrace of digital currency gives me a chilling feeling. This is the totalitarian end game. Sorry Colonel, not drinking that Kool aid.


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