Pathfinders lead NATO Air Assault into Balkans | ACCESS

As the advance force for 16 Air Assault Brigade Combat Team, the Pathfinders are an elite part of the UK Armed Forces. They are highly trained soldiers, able to infiltrate behind enemy lines, identify Drop Zones (DZ) for follow on Parachute Troops and relay vital information back to Headquarters.

The Pathfinders, made up of volunteers from many different backgrounds, but primarily from the Parachute Regiment, work in small, heavily armed, teams.

2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment and soldiers from across 16 Air Assault Brigade, including Guns from 7 Para Royal Horse Artillery, joined NATO Allies, on Exercise Swift Response into NATO’s newest member North Macedonia.

As part of our exclusive access to a series of Military Exercises in Europe, BFBS Creative join the Pathfinders as they covertly lead the way, Parachuting in North Macedonia using High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) Parachute Techniques. They secure the DZ allowing the main force to land, before reforming as a lethal strike force, able to carry out raids on High Value Targets.

The illegal occupation of Ukraine by Russian forces has highlighted the very real threat along NATOs Eastern border. The principles of NATOs collective defence remain that an “attack on one is an attack on all”. It is more important than ever to test the response, demonstrate capability and deter unwanted aggression. None do that faster, more aggressively or as far from home, as the UK ‘s 16 Air Assault Brigade.

#wearenato #para #pathfinder #nato


36 thoughts on “Pathfinders lead NATO Air Assault into Balkans | ACCESS”

  1. Because NATO belongs in the Balkans. NATO sounds Corporate non national expat. With arguments between descent straight men and gay ones grouped up with 'no sexers' and arguing about our impressions of life and women.

  2. I’m proud of my country but I don’t think we should get involved anymore unless we the British people are threatened or our land is, we should just take a back seat we’ve spilt to much blood for others, stop foreign aid and let’s start bulking up our defences

  3. God bless the Free World as they destroy Putin's ability to make war against innocent civilians in sovereign nations like Ukraine. For Putin has turned into the 21st century Hitler and therefore must be stopped at any cost.

  4. when you compare watching that deployment onto the ground to the Russians in Ukraine when they tried to secure the key Antonov Airport.which ended up as a total disaster , sure they took the airport in the end , but it was totally useless to them as a major bridgehead , which showed their lack of training and above all joined up skills compared to the air assault forces of NATO

  5. I hope this generation's Airborne isn't the same airborne from World War II? That Market Garden Fiasco should have never happened. Airborne was misused and misled. Montgomery didn't know what he was doing


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