Path of Exile: Disciple Series Supporter Packs

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36 thoughts on “Path of Exile: Disciple Series Supporter Packs”

  1. That Belltower Portal Device is absolutely genius. In particular, it probably makes Sirus runs very thematic, climactic and stressful, especially if you're not good at him / it's one of your first times.

  2. Loot UI needs to look more clean and concise. The big / small / medium sized bottoms in your loot screen looks sloppy. Keep everything uniform and easy to navigate. Makes for a cleaner experience.

  3. Does each charge get a different currency type, and do Eternal Orbs work??

    Would love Mirrors + Eternals + Divines on a char with all three charge types

    …. or add in abyss charges and inspiration charges as Fracturing and Chaos orbs

  4. How does the currency thing even work? I mean how does it determine what orb is selected? Does it change whenever I craft stuff? Would make it kinda useless for mirror show off.

  5. if i get it right, the cahedral armour set is kind a pay to win. because it helps you to detect your life niveau by looking at your character and not only at your health bar/bubble

  6. I have had Poe in my library for a LONG time.
    Decided to fully dive into it recently finally.
    No build videos or any of that stuff. I plan to make my own 😉 not a noob to arpg's though. Lol skill tree is absolutely AMAZING , I just got into act 3 , got my first unique item "boots" they shock the ground when I walk, really good stuff.
    I've made my own necromancer char.
    My zombies are super tough!
    After playing d4 for hundreds of hours..I'm blown away with Poe tbh , that's an OLDER game , everything about it has been an amazing experience so far.
    Can't wait for poe2 now

  7. Eye monster is weird for this pack. I don't know if "laser shooting octahedron" is copyrightable but something ramiel-like would have fit the pack more and made it an instant-buy instead of make me have to be wishy-washy over 30 vs 60.

  8. if the first $30 pack had the doggo instead one of the other stuff, I would instantly buy it. I knew quite a few people who would too. What a missed oppurtunity :/

  9. 0:49 – We've gone full Factorio with this one
    0:56 – Doesn't this make you wonder why currency dropped on the ground doesn't LOOK like the currency it represents? Why don't we see that beautiful shiny Chaos Orb when one drops? It's just a generic silver sphere instead.

  10. "The Belltower Map Device heralds the opening of a new map" No it doesn't, it rings as long as a map portal is open, which means ALL THE TIME.
    Fun concept which becomes incredibly annoying very fast. And you lied when describing it too.


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