Patch 4.0 Worst Races – Total War: Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires

The worstraces in patch 4.0 for Total War: Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires.

00:00 – Kislev
09:43 – Norsca
17:05 – The Empire
20:55 – Dwarves
25:45 – Vampire Coast
32:46 – Daemons
41:14 – Ogres

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30 thoughts on “Patch 4.0 Worst Races – Total War: Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires”

  1. For Kislev winning the race is now significantly easier now that there are proper provincial capitals and the buildings that generate supporters no longer cost devotion to build, you can easily be done with the supporters race in 40-50 turns if you focus on it

    The atamans system needed changes and their economic buildings needed updates

  2. Yknow the irony in here is that after 4.0 all of these races conquer the whole map by like turn 200
    but ye playing as them they're pretty vanilla. I personally think making dwarves more economy focused and the empire actually having a lot bigger buff choices for its elector states would save their faction. Just remember adding more mechanics makes them less vanilla but also less beginner friendly, so that's why i'm more worried about the insane empire invasion goin on rn rather than their mechanics
    (btw the most fun campaign i had so far was with Aranessa Saltspite and I wouldn't really say their low armour is a problem if the enemy literally can't even get to you due to the insane missile units they have and the tank giants that soak up the chargers )
    as for Daemons, I don't think it's even possible to lose as Skarbrand and as for Kairos you just need to learn how to pit one faction against the other and do all the work for you ( btw kairos did get his change, he got a MASSIVE nerf, literally one of the most important mechanics halting a faction i used to use all the time got replaced by halting an army, at least they increased the insanely slow grimoire production but now its almost useless without halting faction ability )
    One faction I do think needs an overhaul, or rather a step back is Cathay. Since the original lords can't really get to the levels it used to without its Harmony mechanic, sure it still works for provinces but when it used to overarch over everything is when the faction truly shined

  3. Dude I can concede I’m the only one that genuinely, subjectively enjoys Daniel. However to sit here and hear you go off about how these races aren’t unique and feel like pulling teeth, that all the daemons suck and chaos warriors are boring, I can’t help but feel you genuinely hate this game. You have no fun, and you’re too analytical. You sit here and say matter of fact statements on subjective aspects of the game, and you dislike ALOT of aspects of the game.

    And if you genuinely have an issue to a few issues with the game, download mods for crying out loud, it’s not like other games that take away achievements, there’s no downside if you want a bug fix or a faction overhaul. What a negative force in this community you have become costin.

  4. Skarbrand being in the red. Ironic lmao but yeah if you're playing right by constantly being in fights and getting battle loot, who gives a shit about the ledger. Yeah overall it's a fairly reductive campaign compared to other races but lumping him in with the worst races is doing him a disservice along with N'kari. Kairos is genuinely tough but once you figure out what to do you get a genuinely great spellcaster lord that can go wild that has a great economy to back his growth. I admit that while I see some good things about Ku'gath I will probably never play his campaign. DP is a lost cause right now.

  5. Imagine how great WHTW would be if WH3 never happened and instead they made changes to the archer meta to WH2. Released Champions of Chaos, Chaos dwarfs and Monogods as DLC for WH2 instead of what we have today.

  6. You cant recrute good units for skarbrand? You literally can have growth 270 per turn with blood for the blood god or even more getting tier 5 settlements by turn 30 it is not that many races can achieve.dealing with end game crysis is hard? Bullshit you literally have a roster who can kill anyarmy expect for flying units. I think its not constructive criticism. If you want great autoresolve situation just get chosen of khorne they can beat almost any army by auto resolve . Skarbrand was my first campaign that i played i truly enjoyed him. He become a little bit boring because i played him too often but his campaign is amazing

  7. Skarbrand is incredibly fun. It plays like no other faction and that alone definitely exonerates it from this worst races tierlist imo. Not every race has to be able to defeat a four stack of endgame crisis, not that skarbrand is not able to do so, hell he can do it alone. Skarbrand in lore and in game is just this angry asshole running around fucking shit up and that's exactly how he plays. Whenever I feel burned out by the game I start a skarbrand campaign and no campaign is the same. If you want to enjoy skarbrand stop thinking about him as another total war faction just pick a direction and keep going and smashing shit up untill you loose, let that be 10 turns or 100.

  8. The gunnery promethans don´t count as melee units in auto resolve so the damage will still be dealt to the melee units like heroes and such so you need other melee units to share the damage from meleee.

    I am not saying they are bad just that they are counted really wierd in auto resolve

  9. I dont agree with all the factions you list. Dwarfs and empire seem fine to me. I've done lots of campaigns with both and i know what to expect from their roster and power level. I also enjoy warriors of chaos campaigns and daniel campaigns. I do think daniel's equipment needs to be a bit better in terms of what each piece provides(i know there is a mod but that one makes him broken af which isnt that fun when you want a scaling campaign which is how he should work since he is a new deamon prince)

    I think that what we really need is some extra global mechanics/events when it comes to chaos as a whole instead of changing a bunch of factions. It would be way more in line with what warhammer 3 is supposed to focus on

    Like what if chaos factions actually try to corrupt other factions instead of just waging war on everyone? Maybe have them try to give you resources, money or millitary support and you can either accept their help and have your faction or character from your factions to become corrupted to their god.

    Or how about aversion changing as the game progresses?
    For example if skarbrand becomes very friendly with dwarfs through diplomacy or alliances then the order factions go from -100 to -70 and chaos factions give you negative aversion instead?

    Or how about climates changing based on what factions do on territories?
    For example you go and capture wasteland territory as cathay. Then you build farms to slowly affect the climate. Then after x turns the wasteland changes to temperate.
    And if you are chaos lets say and go into temparate climates and build buoldings with corruption you slowly change the climate to wasteland and in the end chaos wasteland?

    Or how about factions being able to build forts that can be abandoned and reclaimed like the ones that you could make back in rome 1?

    There are so many more things the devs can focus on to make the game better for all factions instead of just changing a few

  10. Well while I agreed with you on one video now your back kida I will start with I respect your opinion which 98% of this video is only that. I am going to say you did point something out that I feel is something they need to address (I will get to that later first the bad stuff). I don''t know what level you play on. I think your opinion on what the issues on each of these are simply opinion and yes you are asking to make all armies level on playing field. NO! That is the point! You have super powers you have those that struggle and one of the redeeming traits of this game is that it requires you to adjust constantly how you deal with others, what you build, how you move what you choose in units. Economies are only limited by your actions and choices. Gold is a issue for Kieslev yes but, there is an answer. I do agree move south not north buy yourself time and yes you do need a bit more time to get the right things to win. As for Empire my last long victory with them was 201 turns on normal battle and camp hard. I could have kept going had I wanted to and finished camp. I don't agree with your norsca review at all if you fail a hunt you should not get a second chance do it right or don't. I however feel that every special weapon battles should all be the same way you fail you lose the item. The demons got nurffed because people wanted balanced play (?) they are demons and should be insane. I don't understand how anyone can not love the ogers even after the nerf they did on them which should have never been. The roster is limited yes but, OGERS. I feel and know based on some games I have played with other and even the AI people make some really bad choices in army comp with ogers one such thing being using Knobler's ( essential to success) even in late game I have one or sometimes two of them. Vampire coast is very difficult due to crumble true however if you play them right they can be manageable and late game they can be unstoppable they have some of the best units and can break most armies with ease with proper composition. The dwarves are you Fcking kidding me? They are my march and overtake army. They are so over powered with so much combinations of units that can the economy for dwarves can be made freaking insane very quickly. I do not see how you came to this opinion but to each their own. You said it the one every single example you gave (you can do this and make it work) that is the point of this game these short comings are what makes each group required TACTICAL PLANNING IN A TACTICAL WAR GAME (imagine that). I will stop there and say I do not support anything on this video but, you pointed out a problem with HEROS for the vampires. I do not see this as a problem for them but, as the set up is how it should be. I have argued that some armies that have 6, 12, or 19 heros should not be a thing in this game and it never was a thing before total war got hold of warhammer idea. I feel that all factions should have limitations on how many heros or they need to make a setting so that players can limit how many heros are allowed in army. I am glad you pointed this out. While I do not agree with you on a majority of this video or why you are still trying (which you are) to take away from the things that make this game great i.e. learning to beat something that is very difficult. I hope you will adress more of the ai stupidity on battlefield because that is what I feel in my opinion is way to broke i.e. easy to beat on any setting, it is like giving a army of 4 year olds machine guns and grownups kitchen knives let the carving start. That is what is broke.

  11. I don't have now time to watch a full video, but Kislev (Katarin) is one of few campaigns I played a long playthrough.

    At the start it's frustrating because you have no way to generate the devotion because you are stuck to fight factions that don't reward you with devotion so you struggle to even activate those blesses. Well you mentioned that many times.

    I focused a bit on the Supporter race, but you as long as you throw money at the problem, I felt like I can't lose it on VH. Also I find it strange that as a player you absorb Your opponent, but you don't get even vasalized or something (game over would be unfun) if you lose, but some punishment would make sence, also if you could get out of that situation later that would be nice.

    But as a system I don't think it nessecarily bad idea, a bit of feeling like there is tension and politics in your realm is interesting, but at the same time feels strange. You are locked into conflict and it get's in a way of sandobox experience.

  12. I like the Brit faction the most. The gyphons are incredibky fun to use and have. They fly straight through the enemy's lines to the important archers, cannons, etc…. Kislev is very irritating to play as they have no flying units at all…. their bears can't fly through the enemy's lines to the archers, hero, artillery, etc…. so such a big disadvantage!!!

  13. I dont think you’re justification for norsca was very sound. You claim that razing is detrimental but then you say their land based economy is bad. Isnt that the point? That you should keep ports but raze inland settlements?

  14. fairly certain we are looking at:
    people designing the base line don't know what makes their game fun (or the ones giving orders don't know it)
    why sell an incomplete but decently playable race, when we can release 5 which play like ass and are missing most of the roster, so we can sell the rest of it as DLC.

    That's how the demons feel, especially Tzeench and Nurgle, I am also fairly certain I would say that all of them especially feel like it if I wouldn't own the champions of chaos (which is and probably will be for the forseeable future: the last CA product I bought.)

  15. It does suck that you cant get access to Skarbrands better units as easily. They all cost an absolute fortune to support so you end up with marauders or flesh hounds for ages. Also they need to add Karanak as a legendary hero to his army, his garrisons suck balls too.

  16. Sorry got to disagree :(, Any campaign that's not -kill 2 opponents, done. is a win in my book.
    Subjective I know. But I really don't rate campaigns, factions or lords by "Power", but rather if it's a fun and/or interesting challenge or not.

  17. What I'm wondering with all those videos is, what IS a decent economy (not stellar, just justifiably average) You're always saying Kislev economy is terrible and while I agree, that it felt like molasses playing as Ostyanka trying to get the money together to upgrade my settlements (building in unpleasant climate being a b1tch) I "could" maintain 4 armies with "just" 6 provinces and still had a decent income left over. Those 4 armies was 1 top tier, and 3 armies with strong Lords and heroes, 3-5 Top Tier units + Kossars.
    And personally I have a LOT more problems to get money together in any given Lizardmen campaign (aside Oxyotl and Nakai) and Lustria is just as terrible to defend so from my view Lizardmen have a worse economy than Kislev for example.
    Long story short. What IS a "decent" economy? I would say if you can get ~3.000 gold per province, give or take that should be plentiful as a full stack army (if you have cost reducing perks) costs something between 3k and 4k and being able to "roughly" maintain 1 army per province you own should be enough, or not?

  18. Kislve: Wrong build order. You build farm and hollow ground buildings in every settlement. They will stack insanely well. Kislev eco is not bad, specially since you can get growth going additionaly to high income… have a second look on kislev please. Note some resources also increase income of farms. The larger the terrytory the more money you make per province.

    Khorn faction gets global growth bonus and lower recruitment time globaly if y keep up the red bar on the left.
    Other chaos faction except for nurgle are very strong compared to thomb kings, which didnt evend made in your worse faction list. Alone the possibility to have several lords give y the change to level up lords for new armies, increase the item drop changes and lets you bait enemy armies into your ambush stance. They fixed the kenopic jar exploit from wh2, you cant get many armys going as before for thomb kings which is very bad. Have a second look on the exact faction mechanocs and you will be suprised how much versatility is there and you can learn from.

    On empire, karl franz specificly i would agree it sucks with its confederarion mechanics.

    All in all you still need to catch up mucj on meta play. But dont be dishearthened, keep learning!


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