Pat Stares At The Witcher! (Part 5)

0:00 Pre-stream
54:45 Gameplay
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16 thoughts on “Pat Stares At The Witcher! (Part 5)”

  1. This game wasn't just ambitious it was also a debut title from a very inexperienced group of people who were passionate about old school BioWare games, who before they went into game development ironically enough were bootleggers selling pirated copies of Baldur's Gate, because of how game distribution and publishing in Poland was non existent at the time, they have come a long way

  2. LPs/streams make for good background noise and something to just watch passively while you do other shit. I enjoy them more than regular ol' podcasts. It's fun watching someone go through a game you like and see their reactions, or experience/learn about a new game from the streams. Like I was never ever going to touch The Witcher but it's been awesome watching Pat play it.

  3. 1:17:35 Except that studio contracted to make Witcher 3 remaster is Russian with foreign legal address, so geniuses running CDPR (the ones that driven off entire creative team of Witcher 3 out of the company) have frozen the contract to virtue-signal "politically-correct" xenophobia, even though it was almost finished. Very ironic, considering Witcher storyline.


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