Pat Stares At 'Paige May Cry HD'! FT PeachSaliva! (Part 3)

0:00 Pre-Stream
1:51:42 Gameplay
3:38:25 Post-Stream β€” Watch live at


28 thoughts on “Pat Stares At 'Paige May Cry HD'! FT PeachSaliva! (Part 3)”

  1. Ugh I can relate to the migraine story…that shit is awful. Any noise, any movement, the slightest amount of light makes your head feel like a rotten pumpkin about to split and spill your brains out. There have been times I have seriously considered literally drilling a hole in my skull in the desperate hope of relieving the pressure. Migraines and cluster headaches are the worst.

  2. 55:00 as I understand it, birds have dicks, they just retract into the cloaca when not in use

    and I don't know about all birds generally, I think different species have some different "tactics", but I know for chickens the rooster simply jumps on the back of the hen and just, does his business

  3. The PATRICK System

    P: Provide support
    A: Announce presence of Blorbs
    T: Tutorials out-of-game
    R: Re-do secret missions off-screen
    I: Incessant chatter
    C: Crazy woohoo pizza man
    K: "Kill the babies/women"

  4. Dude these two bickering is the most hilariously insufferable shit ever XD and I mean that in the most endearing of ways cause holy shit you two are like a fucking sit-com except it's way funnier because so much of the bullshit is totally legit XD. Like no bitch you don't get it, she wants to have sex with a skeleton!

  5. You know, if EVERYTHING goes wrong… one thing I'm sure of is that Pat n Paige will be a secondary Podcast taking almost 2 hours to talking (interesting topics though! And random).


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