Pastor Gino Jennings- Lay Hold On Eternal Life With God

First Church Truth of God Broadcast:

Song: Carneal Overton-He’s Been So Good

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46 thoughts on “Pastor Gino Jennings- Lay Hold On Eternal Life With God”

  1. 1 Yahucannon 2:4
    4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his COMMANDMENTS, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

    YeremiYahu 31:27
    27 Behold, the days come, saith YaHU'aH AllaHaYnu, that I will sow the house of Yasharal and the house of Yah∆ah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.

    Ezekiel 36:19-24
    19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.

    🔯Ancients Yahu∆im Yahu∆ah Yasharal

          1360AD      /    YOUNGER Gentiles…
                             /Greek, Ioudeans Israelite
                           / Rev. 2:9, 1 Mac 1:11 🙄
                         /       Roman Constantine
                       /               Catholic Christian,
    6 YHWH's Famine      Christians all type,
    6 WORDS                 Jew, Islam, Vedic,
    2 w/YaH                Brahman, Buddhist,
    yr In them            etc…

    MatithYahu 15:11
    11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

    All on this planet have the blood of the Yahu∆im & Yasharal…

    Our group fits
    Deuteronomy 28 64 slave ships, yokes of iron, and bald women.
    Forget their heritage
    Worship gods the elders never knew of wood and stone
    Scattered abroad
    Let his blood be upon our heads…
    King Yahu'shua mocked & hung on tree.
    We have elders mocked and hung on trees.
    Eye for an eye
    They will awaken in the land of their captivity and remember ..

    the instructions for reading the book.

    It is for YaHU'aH to hide a thing, and for Kings /Queens to seek it out. Seek and ye shall find! Study and show thyself approved, rightly dividing truth from the lies.

    When ye read? Do so precept upon precept, a little here, a little there…
    Understanding no prophecy is of private interpretation. The understanding of scripture comes when one aligns fulfilled prophecies with historical events……

    Those are the instructions along with the Key, LORD all capital letters= YHWH rather YaHU'aH…. YeremiYahu 7 chapter

    To see the true timeline? All one need do is observe the past 662 years, starting around 1453AD the fall of the gate to the East aka TsYaHn/CONstantinople and the finding of the 4th part of the EARth, Columbus 1492AD, revelations.
    the beheading of the Yahudim elect, and the enslavement of their children…..

  2. Without knowing about the magical changes that the Antichrist has made in our bibles in the last few years, which was talked about in many end time prophecies that everyone previously misinterpreted,  you will never be able to understand bible prophecy correctly.

     I started noticing changes in my bible in 2014 that I could not explain which I had been memorizing scripture out of since 1961. That was a couple years before I got my first computer. But since 2016 I've seen hundreds of videos by brothers and sisters who had searched for and found proof of what the KJV said before which also matched what I remember.  

    In these films documenting what used to be written in the KJV, all of the prophecies that are being perfectly fulfilled by this supernatural phenomenon are pointed out and explained. Here are just some of those prophecies.

     In Amos 8:11 God said that He was going to send a famine, not of food or water, but of hearing His words. In Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 God told Daniel to "seal" his book until the last days. And in Revelation 22:10 He told John not to seal his book because the time is at hand. One of the Greek definitions for "seal" in Strong's concordance is "to protect from Satan". In Daniel 7:25 God said that the Antichrist would "think to change times and laws" (which turned out to mean history and scripture along with laws of physics) and that God would give him the power to do so for a while. This is what the "lying signs and wonders" of 2nd Thessalonians 2 was talking about also.

    As hard as it is for most Christians to believe, the proven fact is, all bibles have been supernaturally changed right in our homes and there are now thousands of scripture changes in every bible on earth!!!     

     God commanded us to "prove all things" and I have provided lots of undeniable proof for true followers of Jesus Christ in my playlist which can be found by typing in (PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE) 👈

     I haven't read any bible for years but instead have continued studying scripture and growing MUCH closer to the Word of God, (JESUS CHRIST), by simply learning what all has been changed. Satan is imperfect and he misses lots of stuff like bible quotes in other old books, videos of sermons, song lyrics, movie lines etc, and the videos showing what's changed always have these proofs of what was, which we refer to as "residue." (thus my name)     

     This is unquestionably the most important and exciting thing that's happened since the day of Pentecost! The strengthening of faith that comes with seeing irrefutable proof of the validity and accuracy of God's Holy prophetic word is unimaginable!!! Unfortunately though maybe only 1% are experiencing it, so far. 

    ❕👉  Whenever anyone is reading ANY bible now without knowing a LOT about what the thousands of supernatural changes in it are, Satan is laughing his tail off! And here's why, he understands why rat poison is 100% effective. It's 99.95% corn. Rats can't resist it and it kills every rat that eats it! They won't eat it if there's enough poison in it that they can taste it. He could have changed all the words, but then even the tares would notice it.👉 And he wouldn't have changed what he did if it wouldn't bring people to Hell. There are changes on every page of the KJV, more than any other translation…go figure. So if you aren't seeing changes on every page, you're doing exactly what Satan wants, eating his "rat poison"! I haven't opened my bible, (a KJV) that I got in 1961 and cherished my whole life, in over six years and will never read another one the rest of my life. I learned so much about this that I can't even LOOK at it now without getting a creepy feeling like looking at a Ouija board or a voodoo doll or something! 👉I give everybody the same advise, first watch all the films in my playlist which you'll find by just typing in (proof of bible change residue junkie) for a good understanding of how this is perfectly fulfilling many end time prophecies which we had all previously misinterpreted and to receive a 1,000% increase in faith,👉 then print out the PDF brother Tim has at his KJV restoration project at (I have to write this website in code or skroo tube won't post this comment!) amos ate dot oh are gee, of a long list of the changes that have been documented.👉 And then instead of reading any bible, watch as many of the other videos those channels have made on this as you can before the lights go out and Amos 8:12 is fulfilled too. That way you'll only be reading God's words instead of a mixture of His and Satan's. There'll be time to read Satan's rat poison later if you still want to.

    God bless!!!  ❤✝️💪

    P.S. After people have taken all of the required eugenics injections, they will apply a quantum dot invisible tattoo to their right hand or forehead which glows under black light. But anyone who has had just one of them has a bluetooth mac # that can be read by any smart phone and when they walk through the metal detector at an airport they know if you have taken it or not. The no buying or selling part is happening incrementally and will be complete when cash is abolished. "Worship" can be defined as, "to fear, obey, trust in and depend on someone or thing" which is what they're doing with the Beast system and the Image of the beast, (NWO & TV!) Yes, this absolutely is it, and the 11 SHOCKING  films in the top comment on my community page will PROVE it to anyone who has the courage to watch them.

  3. I have stop doing so much and did a complete over haul on myself as far as clothes no more pants make up I never wore much but it’s hard not to do my eye brows and cover darkness under my eyes. I want to feel good about how I look for myself and when I go out. I cover my hair now. I’m struggling trying to figure out with all this change what can I do. I stopped celebrating these holidays and Christmas was my favorite holiday now I’m isolated from my family. Sometimes I want to go back because the isolation and depression with all this change gets so overwhelming. I’m trying to hold onto holiness to make it into heaven but I am struggling. I go to one of your branch churches here in Charlotte but there’s no fellowship. Just go to church leave and go home whenever they do have church. The van is never working if I can’t get to church so this life is so isolating. I’m not happy living like this but I don’t want to die and go to hell so I’m hanging on by a thread. Now that’s real talk and honesty!!


  5. l always think the saying that pastor Gino uses that is " theology makes student but the holy spirit makes pastor".
    He hasn't theology degree or PhD, but He exposes lay and unspiritual philosophy of theologists by the truth of God.
    Pastor Gino..God bless you…
    I pray for you in prayers.
    I am Ethiopian. I hope l will see you one day.
    Though, l have one question…
    Is it sin if women preach or teach the gospel????

  6. Psalms 91:1-16

    Bible Verses About Rebuking Evil Bible verses related to Rebuking Evil from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance – Sort By Book Order Psalms 91:1-16 – He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


  7. Abraham Justified by Faith

    4 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. 3 What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”[a]


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