Pastor Daniel Muir's Son is missing, Possible Abuse and kidnapping in Straightway.
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40 thoughts on “Pastor Daniel Muir's Son is missing, Possible Abuse and kidnapping in Straightway.”

  1. I have a gut-wrenching feeling about this precious child. These cults are crazy!
    My nephew Zack passed away last summer and his ex girlfriend and 4 year old baby left for somewhere in California from Florida. She has cut off all communication with all of her family and us (her daughters dads family). A man that calls himself “rapture” talked her into driving all the way to California with her baby. He’s married, and the baby and mom are living in his garage. We have flown her back home a few weeks ago, then she literally disappeared almost 2 weeks ago. These cults are real. I never really knew how real they were until it happened in my family. His name is Rapture@HourlyWatch and he’s taking advantage of young mothers and their babies. Please be aware of these cults.
    I wish there was more I could do about in finding the whereabouts of this child! The picture of him with a black eye is so barbaric!! I’d love to see his father have his eyes blacked out and see what it feels like. What a deplorable foul human being his “dad” is.

  2. I have spoken up about Daniel Muir putting his hands on his wife on their youtube. They laughed called me names, tried to bully me, and blocked me. My heart is broken💔. This is why two witnesses isn't a rule of life. Because people will hide things until they cannot hide any more. And everybody on their team will believe them until it can be proven. With no benefit of the doubt for the one speaking up😢

  3. Well; straitway truth does alot of homebirths, so they cannot have their children connected to the government or state, with birth certificates. But it's not every child. Fact: dowell last two children were at the hospital so they are state recognized whether he like it or not. But I think that young girl had common sense enough to get her children's birth certificates rather he liked it ot not, But they will make you think they don't have one for the youngest 2. Which is silly in 2024. Because without a birth certificate, you can't get a driver's license or a passport. So the children will be stuck in america for the rest of their lives.🤨 due to no birth certificate. But all the parents have them and all the parents travel🫣🤫

  4. sound more like a witch hunt, if those people are happy there whose business is it. most are so much more into speaking on what others are doing and not doing. If father called, you to teach the truth than teach truth, laws & statues that's what the people / masses are ignorant of. For as straightway father will take care of that and remove his called if be so…! what the hell is wrong with yall…!

  5. P.Diddy Dowell, have not reported this News video. He knows everything and where this boy is!!! This Cult Straitway is coming Down!! Yes Dowell is a Free Masons. I have been following Dowell for years. I was a watchmen on this Cult. It was bad.

  6. I was abused as a child around that age by a pentacostal cult leader preacher that my mom married that abusive us both. He threatened to kidnap me and kill my mom and we had to flee for our lives out of Houston were I was from. Cult leaders are no joke they're straight evil and demonic! Thank God we got away from that psycho woman and child abuser. It took me many years until I finally forgave him. He also tried to drown me in a lake.

  7. Had to watch this twice 😢 This is heart breaking 💔 The Most High plz cover this child. Thank You Breed for covering this. Plz stay on this case. We the ppl need to know and share this. Your much appreciated Breed 🤗

  8. white monopoly is in play white media will always hide the truth and to a blame to people with color specially when they after your progress just look how they address this boy foul play is involved in this story .

  9. My heart is so heavy right now 💔…Bro Nubreed… just my opinion but I think he got out of that car the first chance he got… bcuz he was not going to return to that horrible place he escaped from and went to his grandma's house 😔…as a grandma myself…we know when our children or grandkids are in trouble 😵‍💫… poor baby 🙏… L-RD help him FATHER 💓 to find shelter or some place safe… those guys try to force their beliefs on to young men 😞… you don't see any young men there between the ages of 16-29… unless it's chicken butchering time and they pay them to be there… let's lift this young lad up to HaShem for protection…

  10. More than likely they are moving that boy around to different communities. He is more than likely with Dowell or at a smaller unknown community. There is no telling what is about to be revealed, but when it all comes out I think we are going to be shook and in shock.

  11. I grew up in the cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses and I was physically and mentally abused. I hope this young boy Bryson is found and can escape this cult before it’s too late .

  12. The person who participated in making him is involved in he’s kidnapping, i can’t stand that i can’t do nothing to help or protect them, it makes me emotional an burns me up🙏🏽i hope he’s found ok an safe


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