Part Two: God's Debris, by Scott Adams (with Matt Lieb) | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

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Part Two: God’s Debris, by Scott Adams (with Matt Lieb) | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

Robert sits down with Matt Lieb to discuss Scott Adams’s worst novel, God’s Debris.

Original Air Date: September 21, 2023

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There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.

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36 thoughts on “Part Two: God's Debris, by Scott Adams (with Matt Lieb) | BEHIND THE BASTARDS”

  1. I guess all this fifth level stuff is what Scotty wanted us to not assume are his actual beliefs, but like, doesn't that just ruin all his arguments anyway if he's trying to prove these fantasy cult concepts?

  2. I think you're not understanding the argument vis a vis free will and god being all knowing. To put the argument more simply, there can't be both chance and certainty. If I tell you that I know with 100% certainty that if I flip this coin, it will ALWAYS come up heads, then what conclusion would you come to about the coin I'm using? The only way for free will to exist is if there is chance, and there can be no chance if there is certainty because the only way for there to be certainty is for there to have never been a chance for things to be otherwise in the first place.

  3. John Mahoney, who played Martin Crane, is from northern England. However, he moved to the states at 18 and joined the military. He actively changed his accent to not stand out. Thus, Martin was his actual accent.

  4. To the best of my knowledge, the thought experiment of "what if the universe is just God's remnants" dates back to the German philosopher Philipp Mainländer and his book 'The Philosophy of Redemption'.

  5. As an Australian that was raised fairly secularly, it's always crazy to see this specific type of internet atheist think that they're a genius for this "grand revelation." So apparently most of my peer group are "4th level awareness" just because we weren't raised religious?

  6. There is actually a comic whose cosmology is built on the idea that God created the world through suicide. It's called "Kill Six Billion Demons" and in case you couldn't tell by the title, it is infinitely more awesome than anything Scott Adams has ever produced.

  7. Knowing the consequence of an action isn't the same as knowing in advance that the action will be taken.

    Similarly, knowing all possible outcomes of a situation isn't knowing which will happen. I.e., we all know every possible combo of lottery numbers, but not which it will be.

    So any argument that free will can exist alongside anyone being omniscient, whether or not it's a god, either requires them not to be, because they don't know the future that WILL occur. Or, which I haven't seen argued, an infinite multiverse where knowing every possible outcome IS knowing every one that will actually happen, because they all do. The latter of which still negates free will for each individual timeline.

  8. I had to go back and listen to the opening of Scott's book again. I got distracted when I sought out and actually found the Mr. Hands video, and I missed the prologue.

    Also, I now wish for the sweet release of death after watching that video.

  9. And that whole free will argument is just kinda wrong. As an adult with knowledge and experience, you have a reasonable expectation that your baby's gonna burn their hand on the hot stove. Our language shortens that idea to "You know your kid's gonna burn their hand." But an omniscient god would know in the most literal sense possible that the kid will burn their hand, and that god will know exactly how severe the injury will be, as well as every event that happens after the burn, out to the end of time. Under that definition of "knowing", it is logically impossible for that baby to anything other than burn their hand, which means they don't have the free will to stop it.

  10. The only way you think it's impressive to harangue a deliveryperson with your knockoff Socrates schtick is if you've never actually worked an actually crappy job, Dilbert Guy. I'm starting to think Scott's coworkers only supposedly covered for him doing Dilbert stuff (before he lost his job "to affirmative action") because it was better than having him around annoying them with pseudo-intellectual bullshit and messing things up.

  11. Wait what the hell, he just drops the Socratic dialogue framing for the conclusion and just has the guy preach instead of lead the uninterested deliveryperson logically to his own conclusion?! Then why did you choose this framing?! If you were just going to drop it at the end?! Scott?! Did you not get the point of the Socratic method?! Did you just fundamentally fail to understand this whole format?!

  12. A much better author, James Morrow, did the whole God dying thing in "Towing Jehovah." Disgraced ship captain is hired by angels to tow God's corpse to Arctic waters so it doesn't rot while they figure out what to do.

  13. Oh boy, never has so much stupidity been matched with so much arrogant delusion in one's own intelligence. I'm sure there's no end of things wrong with this book, but the big one that jumps out is that Scott Adams doesn't even know what "The Problem of Evil" that sits at the center of this argument is. It's the problem that if God is all knowing, all powerful, and all good (as Christianity defines it), then how can evil exist? Any answer you give winds up violating one of those three premises. Adams gets rid of the "all good" part which makes it no longer an impossible question, makes one of the two characters take both the atheist and theist positions then has him contradict himself constantly, then has a useless second character throw out the vague arguments about freedom that people use to try and wriggle out of the problem of evil without realizing why they don't make sense in his scenario.
    Also Scotty, I'd like to point out that you act like Christianity is the only religion that exists, then apparently forget that it's based around a God that allows himself to be killed while coming up with your mind blowing idea of God killing himself. You obviously don't do research, but you should look up who "Jesus Christ" is next time anyway.


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