Part 24: More of the Chosen

The army visits an ancient village famed for its rare tomes.

SA Forums Thread:

Progression Table:

0:00:00 – Opening Cutscene
0:04:21 – Preparations
0:10:00 – Battle
1:27:47 – Closing Cutscene


– I must recruit all 40 characters in the normal playable cast of Conquest. (Capturable enemies and DLC/Amiibo units are not required.)
– Every character must be trained: at the end of the campaign, the sum of their level before promotion and their displayed level in their final class must be at least 25. For the purposes of this rule, Felicia, Jakob, Gunter, Camilla, and Leo are considered to have been level 0, 0, 5, 10, and 16 before promotion, respectively.
– No DLC or multiplayer battles are allowed.

– Have every character get married. (Gunter, Shura, Flora, and Izana need only unlock an A-rank support with Corrin.)
– For each character, acquire an additional class with an A+ support, if possible. (Characters who can’t get new classes this way, like Jakob, should unlock A-rank support with Corrin instead.)
– Kidnap all of the unique capturable bosses.

– DLC, path bonuses, visitation bonuses, and battle bonuses are banned.
– No random events in My Castle (Lottery Shop, conversations around the castle, etc.) are allowed. Birthdays are included in this ban. I may use the Private Quarters once, immediately after chapter 6, when it is not random.
– Einherjar, Logbook, DLC, Amiibo, and Bond units are banned.
– Facilities like Lilith’s Temple and the Prison that refresh over time may only be used once between maps. The exception is that I can use them, upgrade them, and then immediately use them again.
– I am allowed unlimited food and gems, but not Dragon Vein Points.
– I can acquire a Chef’s Hat. I cannot visit other castles for any other purpose.
– I may manipulate results from the Mess Hall according to the abilities of my best chef. (So I can’t get Exquisite meals until I acquire Jakob, Peri, or Percy.)


I’m playing Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest on Lunatic difficulty with a variety of fan-made mods, including the story rewrite known as the “Good Guy Garon” mod. My modlist is here:

You can acquire the HD textures I’m using here:

Guide to installing Fates mods:

#FireEmblemFates #Conquest #TrainEveryone


21 thoughts on “Part 24: More of the Chosen”

  1. Reuploaded so that I could finally fix the captions. YouTube was being really, really difficult about them, and I was away on vacation so I wasn't able to go redo all the timings manually. I hope I don't have to do that again, because it's a huge pain!

    While I was at it, I remixed the audio tracks to sneak in a couple of commentary clips that I accidentally missed in the original upload, too. So… watch it again!

  2. Benny does not care for Conquest's meta in any way shape or form and I adore him for it.
    -4 movement
    -6 base speed
    -only friendship reclass option is fighter
    -heart seal class is also fighter
    -joins comparatively late for a 1st gen unit
    He's absolutely going to take part in kitsune lair. I can't wait to see him confront a bunch of magic fox creatures and just have him look like

  3. Damn I thought we got the next part real quick lmao
    But I'll still take this, listening to these explanations and the following perfect plays is so satisfying

  4. Always appreciated your captions over the YouTube standard. My main computer is in the living room, so when there are a few people in, I haven't always got the volume cranked up.

  5. I always appreciate your work with the subtitles. It makes watching your videos even more appealing, since I can do that when I can’t have sound on. Love these so much ❤


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