Parents of murdered woman provide horrific details of death

The parents of Mercedes Vega describe how she was shot and burned alive on a freeway near Tonopah as they are desperate for answers.

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16 thoughts on “Parents of murdered woman provide horrific details of death”

  1. Dancer is simply euphemism for β€œstripper”
    While this story is heartbreaking and tragic we need to learn and accept that this young woman chose this lifestyle.
    Provocative and seductive dancing DOES come at a cost, just accept the truth

  2. Detectives are mad they say they have no leads, and dont have any suspects yet. Its sad !! She absolutely suffered ! Bleach alone will explode your insides. Men are Evil !! Thats why this world is. Thats why women are because of Evil Men. Rest In Peace πŸ™

  3. Do they know if she made it to hang out with her friends? Was she intoxicated and left with a stranger? This kind of crime screams cartel they do stuff like this to make a statement and unfortunately if it is a cartel faction no one will be held accountable

  4. every story about females is sugar coated….."she was a dancer at a club"
    Uhhhhhh, she was a stripper you actually mean…..but we can't have any negative connotations put on females so she gets the "softball" approach….AS USUAL

  5. It is very sad but nowadays this world is sad and you know she could have had owed money for drugs anything the truth will never come out doesn't matter if she was a dancer she was a school teacher everyone's life matters

  6. They'll find them… Could have been a customer at the club or drug deal gone bad. Nonetheless, DON'T give AF about what line of work. She didn't deserve to die like that. Some of you people in the comments are TRASH… Probably call yourself "Christians" or some BS – Right?


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