PAPER TRAIL – Yakuza 4 Remastered – 5


In today’s episode of our Let’s Play, walkthrough, and playthrough of Yakuza 4 Remastered, Akiyama helps his receptionist find someone who can appreciate her beauty, and he helps uncover an illegal counterfeiting ring.

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GAME: Yakuza 4 Remastered

Yakuza 4 takes place one year after the events of Yakuza 3. Like the original game, most of the action takes place in Kamurocho. Three locations have been added since Yakuza 3: a rooftop area stretching across a large portion of the town, the back streets of Kamurocho and a third area known as the underground, which includes the city’s sewers, parking lot and shopping arcades).

#yakuza4 #yakuza4remastered #kiryu


43 thoughts on “PAPER TRAIL – Yakuza 4 Remastered – 5”

  1. Man RGG really do be flexing with these substory cutscenes. They really didn't have to with the counterfeit substory since the cutscene itself is so short but I'm glad that they did, makes them stand out more and feels like more care is put into these side stories. The cinematic style of RGG evolves as the more games go on.

  2. You know, that Shiobara quest never made much sense to me.

    Sure he was acting out of line, but why does Akiyama cares if his clients are being stolen when he doesn't charge interest?

    People are supposed to go to his place when they have nowhere else to go.

  3. Shiobara. A lost soul changed by a laid back moneylender, but then decided to go down a misguided path obsessed with money, now he's decided to be a rival to the one that saved his life. That sounds like an Anime Rival Template!! 😂 But in all seriousness, I hope in my heart that the substories with him end in him being a wiser individual than he currently is. This substory really sticks out to me across the Yakuza/Judgement series so far, and it seems like you're feeling the same way, Nico.

  4. 5:30 I don't know… Kiryu's not exactly known for being cold and cunning, which I believe are qualities the Tojo Clan leader needs, not to mention the gift of foresight. And he tends to settle things with his fists (by his own admission).

  5. While the last sidequest suffered a bit from "Hey, have you heard about thing?" "No, inform me" [5 min later thing happens] which have happened a bit often so far in the game, the sidequests has othervise been great!

    Just wish they had changed the order the information was revealed, that instead it ends up with Akiyama getting his payment, notices that they are fake, and then Hana looking up that it's an ongoing issue. This would have shown that as a moneylender, this is something Akiyama is privy too, trusts his client, but isn't stupid about accepting money. That while he might not be up to date with current news and be considered lazy/not taking his job seriously, that he still is able to notice this and give credibility to the fact that he's experienced in the field without outside influence

  6. I actually owned an older model of a pachinko machine at one of my childhood home. Pachinko machines are essentially a combination of pinball and slot machines. I think other commenters will have a better description than I but that's the barebones minimum.

  7. There are some good ones in the first three, but you can tell Yakuza 4 is where they started hitting their stride with the substories. I just wish they continued to have cutscenes for at least some side stories in the newer games

  8. A Yakuza critique Akiyama 4 ever

    I don't have anything to say this time so here's a joke, what did the Kiryu say to the Tojo clan? "Looks like the money is… Daigone"

    "Kiryu Daigo just got shot this isn't funny"

  9. I bet that Akiyama in this episode really regretted that Kanda was killed by Mine in Yakuza 3. It would make his task of finding a man who appreciates thickness so much easier.

  10. I picture that scene from Spaceballs:
    Akiyama leaves his office and shouts in the middle of the street "Who here likes the big women??"
    And everyone on the street stands with their hand up "YOOOOOO!"

  11. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but Saki of Forex's dialogue blips were like a typewriter's instead of the usual, like Akiyama's. It adds to his robotic vibe, not even mentioning his stiff, robotic posture and the way he responds to questions like a droid!

  12. Nicob: This panchinko game is so damn confusing.
    Nicob *at the start of next vid*: So I've been playing a bit more of the panchinko game. It's pretty easy once you understand it. I unlocked all the trophies related to it, got 12 billion yen and unlocked a new sidequest.

  13. I think one of the reasons this game difficulty is kind of spotty, it's because it's the first in the series chronologically to have multiple characters with a different set of moves, and balancing this was probably too much to handle at the time, so they probably tone it down because of it. 5 adjusts to this a bit better, and by 0, they kind of find a sweet spot, even though they were styles that were better than the others.

  14. To add to the comment of the week, you notice a pattern as the time goes in the Yakuza series, the local gangs start becoming even more present than the local yakuzas. So much so that, as the times go by, you notice the Yakuza trying to withstand the test of time by trying to become more and more like the local gangs, Kanda in Y3 (the leader of the Nishikiyama family) is a great example of this. The Keihin gang are annoying, yes, but when you stop to think about it, they never would operate the way they did if the Yakuza were as present and looming as they were back in 0 and the first two games, because the money flowing to them is the money that could go to the local clan/family, and the fact that something like that wasnt happening would be an afront to the Yakuza, almost as a whole.

    Not exactly a spoiler, since you can probably tell as the games go by, but the Yakuza that dont fall into the gang mentality start hugging to dear life to the only other option they have left: politics. It used to be that the politicians were basically the ones the yakuza allowed to climb up, but with the laws and police force cranking down hard on them, the positions have shifted and its now the yakuza that needs them. Jingu approaching Nishiki in Y1 and the chief figures of the ADDC approaching Homura in Judgement may seem similar, but Jingu only pulled it off because he preyed on the growing madness and paranoia in Nishiki, Homura however saw something that most modern yakuza wish they could have: a chance to make a lot of money by dealing with very powerful people, a theme you will see in pretty much every game from 3 onwards.

  15. pachinko are kind of a blight in my eyes, it would be one thing if they weere just a gambling game, but when they do stuff like remake metal gear solid 3 cutscenes, and make it exclusive to pachinko machine, insted of giving the game a deserving remake, that is a crime.

  16. Hana: You have 30 minutes to find a guy who likes big girls, or I'll lose faith in myself forever.

    Akiyama: *spends 2 hours trying to figure out how the fuck pachinko works*

  17. Somehow, watching this segment makes me feel tired for Akiyama. 😐 Maybe its because you're having him run all over the place, hoping to cover whatever side missions you can before the next character takes over. Even the pachinko moment didn't help matters any. XD I can't blame you though.


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