Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Switch) | 5.23.2024

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Streamed on 5.23.2024


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#PaperMario #papermariothethousandyeardoor #vtuber


29 thoughts on “Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Switch) | 5.23.2024”

  1. I’m taking my sweet time in chapter 2, but dammit Tom you are going too fast lmao I was hoping I could keep up with you, you already are past here. I’ve played this game 20 times and never beaten it but this time will be the day

  2. everything is shiny because it's all glossy cardstock. oh my goodness. yeah, the default weight expected for that type is pretty good for basic papercraft. nice touch

  3. Tom is so good at that Eddy voice, holy shit lmfao. I'm sure it's not intentional but the voice he does for Grodus also reminds me of Adventure-era Eggman, I really dig it

  4. 3:35:39 who thinks they should make this into an actual paper luigi game? I'd buy it 🤷‍♂️

    Edit: 3:39:11 so i'm not the only one that thinks that i see 😂😂 despite the year of luigi passing, however, i still think this should be a real game ✌️

  5. God, everything looks and sounds so good! I love the new battle themes!

    I'm not sure if they toned Flurrie down or not. On the one hand, the "stage presence" line is gone, on the other…that music is way more sexy than I remember it being. Not loving her back sprite…I'd expect more curves.

  6. Gosh this is why I miss the Thousand Year Door format. Not only are the characters memorable and unique looking, but they let Mario be funny and expressive! His dialogue options let him be so silly and sassy!

  7. As for your vtuber D&D class, I think sorcerer is more apt, as the magic of the dimension is what changed you. Like a freak accident happened and now you have magic feels more like sorcerers' brand of magic stuff. Unless you DID sign a pact with your dewgon, and he is the master of that domain that is giving you your magic powers, then I'd agree to warlock. Pretty cool patron if that is case though.

  8. Honestly, starting out I’m disappointed in the dialog because they missed one amazing opportunity.
    It starts with someone saying “I’m going to tell you a story”, and they could have started with “this is a story I heard once, many years ago” to give us a bit of a meta story line. It would also explain any small differences they may have made.

    Missed chance right there.


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